16: Haircut

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Isaler time baby!!! YEAH!!! 

Isador's POV:

I looked at my new hair cut, doubts started to settle in my chest after I looked at the new me. My hair was shorter, layered and... well short. Almost like Ama's style only I had my split on my right then on the left like his. I sighed and looked down at the hair pile that was scattered around my area. The lady gave me a hand mirror to look at the back and styled it a bit more, getting that final perfection. 

"Well Sweetheart, what do you think? Do you think I need to trim a bit off the edge or can I leave it just as?" She asked me. I shook my head and told her it was fine and that I liked it. She nodded and removed the cloak around my body and lead me to the register where I paid for my new cut. I walked out only to be greeted by Ama and Dil, who were holding plastic bags with a controller on it, signifying they both got out of the game store. I watched as they gave me the weirdest stare I have received ever in my life... Well second weirdest stare I have received in my life, as they saw my new cut. I rubbed the back of my neck and curled in on myself as they didn't speak, but just stared. 

"W-well? What.. do you guys think? Is it bad?" I asked. Ama dropped his bags, earning a yell form Dil and just grabbed my face. He squashed my cheeks and looked at my face. 

"HOLY SHIT MAN! YOU LOOK AMAZING! You look a bit like me!" He yelled. I gave him a confused squashed face stare, only for Dil to compliment me back, saying it's a good look. I blushed and removed Ama's hands from my face, smiling at both of them. 

"Thanks guys. I.. I was really second guessing this when I got finished. I thought no one would like it." Ama shook his head. 

"Are you kidding me? You look different, but in a good way! It's a major improvement. Besides I didn't like the long hair. Long hair didn't suit you bro." He said. I rubbed the back of my neck, where my long ponytail used to be. 

"Sooo... What's the special occasion?" Dil asked. I looked at him confused. 

"What do you mean special occassion? Can I not get a haircut from the hair salon without special meaning?" Ama laughed. 

"HAHAHAHA! No. Knowing you, it's always for a special occasion. Remember the last time you cut your hair? You threw the biggest fit I have ever seen and destroyed half the house, because you didn't want to get a tiny trim." Dil wheezed. I blushed red, embarrassed. 

"I didn't like people touching my hair back then! Besides that was 3 years ago!" 

"THAT WAS 3 MONTHS AGO!" Dil wheezed harder. I sighed in annoyance and looked at the time on my watch. 

"I was getting ready for a date with Tyler later this evening. That's why I decided to get a new look." Ama "AH HA"'d me, an Dil snickered. I rolled my eyes and walked back home, Dil and Ama both following behind. 

"So... You cut your hair for Tyler?" Dil asked. I nodded and heard Ama give out a thoughtful hum. We all made some small chat till we got to our house, Dil leaving and leaving me and Ama to get ready for our days. 

"Is hair pulling a kink of yours Isador?" Ama asked unexpectedly. I chocked on some spit and coughed, looking at Ama with a confused and embarrassed expression. 

"What on earth made you think that?!" I asked him. He shrugged and stuck his tongue out in concentration on the game he was playing. 

"I dunno, you look like that kind of person who would moan like a girl by getting their hair pulled. I know I do." I gave him a confused look, but quickly dismissed it sighing out loud and placed a nice white button dress shirt on me, and then buckled my belt over my pants. I looked at myself over in the mirror and posed. I frowned as I felt like something was missing. 

"Hey Ama? Does this look okay or am I missing something?" I asked him, facing towards him. He paused his game and looked over, giving me a wolf whistle. 

"You look good. Although I think you should change out of your eye coverer and get yourself a black tie." He said. He went over to my dresser and opened one of the top drawers, pulling out a black eyepatch. He tossed it to me and I quickly changed my bandage cover with the eyepatch. I looked at myself now and smiled, grabbing the black tie and tying it around. 

Ama gave me another wolf whistle and yelled "looking good Mr. sexy" at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone, wallet and house keys, before leaving the house. I told Ama their was a small chance I won't be coming home later tonight. He waved me off and continued to play his game, telling me to not come back with a condom stuck in my hair like last time. I blushed and left the house, driving towards my destination. 


I made it to the place me and Tyler were supposed to meet at for our date. I stood in front of a nice restraunt that we both found once on a date we had a few weeks ago. I waited outside the watching people leave and enter, fixing my look and smoothing my hair. I was a bit nervous and went to grab my non-existing pony tail. I placed my hands down in my pocket, looking around to spot Tyler anywhere. I sighed looking at the time on my watch. 

"Isador? Is that you baby?" I looked up to see Tyler their, dressed up nicely. I smiled and waved at him as he approached me. He lifted one hand to my hair and pushed some strands behind my ear. 

"You.. Cut your hair." I looked down and rubbed my neck, nervously and feeling my insecurites surface up. 

"I know.. I. wanted to look good for you.. Do.... Do you like it?" I asked him. He didn't answer back. I felt my small smile go down and I slouched a bit.  

"You don't like it do you? *Sighs* I knew getting this was a bad idea, I just- I just thought you'd like me more with-" I was pulled into warm strong arms. I looked up at Tyler who buried his head in the crook of my neck. 

"I love you so, so much baby." He said to me. I blushed, and smiled a bit hugging him back enjoying the warmth of his body heat. He let go and cupped my face with his hands and smiled. 

"You look handsome with short hair. I kind of dig it." I chuckled and faked a pout. 

"What you didn't like my long hair before?" He laughed and kissed me on the lips, getting a small giggle out of me. He pulled away smiling, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. 

"I loved it too. I'll just miss the beauty of it flowing down your shoulders when it's untied. Not to mention all of the kinky things we used to do with it long." I laughed, pulling his tie to get him down to my level, and whispered in his ear. 

"Well, if you're a good boy tonight, we might do some more of those kinky things when we get home, even if my hair is short." He blushed, as I walked in front of him, swaying my hips a bit in a teasing manner. He chuckled and caught up to me, giving my ass a little slap before we continued our date. 

I never did return home that night. 


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