Ty & TJ

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"Best Friend's Brother" The Victoria Justice song blared through the room breaking the quiet. The short beautiful brunette didn't even bat an eye before answering the call in the middle of the meeting she was in. "Hey, baby. The details all done? Great, I'll see you at home and you can tell me all about it. Love you too. Bye, drummer boy." She ended the call and looked up, "You can continue." She said politely.

One of the people cleared their throat nervously. "Um, Ms. Joseph, we asked you to hand that to security when you came in." Her smile turned to a frown faster than they could blink. "Well, that will never happen. My fiancé is a busy man, and I will never risk missing his call." She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Ok, the bottom line is, I've shown you what I want to do with this campaign, so either you want me or you don't."

The people in front of her looked shocked. "You know what? I'll give you time to think about it. I'm late to meet my brother. Send me an email with your decision. It was lovely meeting you." She nodded her head and with that walked out the door.

She walked out the glass doors of the multimillion dollar up and coming company. With her money and her fiancé's she really didn't have to work, but she loved creating things. Maybe all that macaroni art in the loony bin had been beneficial after all...nah.

Jumping in her Camry she had bought with her first real payday, she booked it to downtown where she was meeting her twin. Whipping into a spot at the best burger joint in Columbus she hurried in already knowing he would be there and complain she was late.

Sure enough, in their corner booth sat her twin who looked up when the door opened and tapped his watch with a smirk. She sighed and walked closer, "Two minutes, Ty! I walked out of a meeting for your ass." She said with a smile. He grinned and stood to hug her. "That's ok, I know I'm the good twin." They both laughed at that.

Neither could be called a "good" twin. They sat down, both unconsciously putting a hand out to touch each other. "So, TJ, how's the brain?" He asked softly. She smiled, she loved how blunt but loving her brother was. "It's good. No voices in weeks. I feel like the old me, Ty. We're even planning the wedding again for after this next tour."

Her brother looked ecstatic. "That's amazing! I'm so glad you did the brave thing and let us know, Tara." She nodded biting her lip. That had been one of the hardest things she'd ever done. She was a diagnosed schizophrenic, there was only ever one voice in her head though, and it told her to hurt herself. She had been hospitalized in her younger years for self inflicted injuries before they realized what she was going through.

A few months ago the medication had failed and that damn voice had come back. It had taken all her strength to send an SOS out to her brother and fiancé. The voice telling her they would drop her in a hospital and throw away the key. She made the decision to trust her guys more than a voice in her head and the new medication was doing well so far.

Her brothers phone buzzed and he quickly picked it up, smiled typing an answer, and put it down. "Let me guess?" She said with a smirk. "Josh?" Her brother grinned unashamed. "Ya, he was checking if it's cool he join us on twin day." He explained. "You know most girls don't have to compete with their brother for their fiancé's love." Tyler laughed and pointed at her. "Hey! He was my best friend before your fiancé!"

"We met him the same day, doofus!" She said playfully smacking his hand. "Hey, hey! No need to fight over me, my Joseph's. I love you both." Said the tall neon haired drummer walking their way.

He leaned in kissing TJ and taking a seat

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He leaned in kissing TJ and taking a seat. "Hey! How come only one of us gets a kiss if you love us both, huh?" Tyler pouted. Josh laughed and reached over the table to kiss his best friend on the head. "Thank you! Geez, forget all about me when she's here." He said in faux exasperation.

"Ya, well she does a lot of things you don't." Josh said back with a smirk. TJ smacked him, but couldn't help but laugh at the look on her brothers face. If disgust had a picture next to it, it would be her brother at this moment. "Dude! That's just wrong! Plus, you never asked!" That caused a spit take from Josh leaving them all in tears of laughter.

"Alright, Alright. No more stunting Ty's growth...oh wait." She smirked. He looked at her deadpanned, "I'm taller than you." She nodded pretending to be serious. "Yes, but I'm a girl." Her brother shook his head. "That's some fucked up logic." Again she nodded. "Matches my fucked up everything else." She said with a grin.

"So, to get us back on topic. You guys got the green light for the world tour?! God, I'm so proud of you two." She said with a glowing smile. They both blushed and nodded. "So, dates? Name? Opening acts? Any of that set?" She asked excited. They grinned, excited again about what they had been told today.

"Well, we leave in May." It was January now so that wasn't too far away. "And we did pick a name..." Tyler looked to Josh to let him tell her. She looked to the tall man wondering what was up. He looked down at her. "Remember that letter you wrote me back when...well, about how you felt at the hospital?" She nodded warily not understand what this had to do with anything.

"Well, you wrote something that stuck with me and I shared it with Tyler. Remember what you called the Psych Ward?" She thought for a moment then grinned. "Really? The Emotional Roadshow? Ok, I'll admit that's perfect." The guys sighed in relief, they had worried she wouldn't like that to be used, that maybe it would have bad memories.

"So, May, huh? How long will this one be?" She asked thinking of wedding plans. Josh answered, "Little over a year." She whistled. "Wow, you guys are gonna be busy as fuck for the next year and a half. Good thing I'll be there to straighten you out." They grinned and all high-five.

It might seem unusual to some that she would drop everything and go on tour with her boys. But they had found that one of the only people that could pull her back to herself was her twin. Their theory was that they were half of the same whole. Both just a mix of mental and emotional issues that somehow had become successful adults against all odds. Though acting like an adult was a difficult thing to do for them.

She couldn't wait for a year on the road with her boys.

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