Chi Town

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They were in rehearsal for their Chicago show. Salt n' Peppa music was blaring through the space as they got ready for sound check. Ty and Tara were sitting on the edge of the stage rapping while Josh helped put up his kit.

"Hey! Is this where the sold out Twenty One Pilots concert is?!?" They heard yelled making their heads whip around. "Patrick!!!" She squealed and took off towards the lead singer. Luckily, he knew what she meant to do and was ready to catch her. "Easy, TJ." He laughed. "I'm not as strong as Mr. Perfect over there." He said motioning to Josh.

Josh just laughed and jumped off the stage to joint the brother and sister. "Hey Trick!" He said giving the smaller man a bro hug. Pulling his fiancée off the man to let him breath. "How you doin', man?" Ty asked giving the man a small hug. "Great, Declan just turned one." He smiled at Tara's squeal. "Show me!" She demanded.

With no hesitation he pulled out his phone and pulled up pictures of his son. "Oh! Patrick, He is so beautiful! He looks just like you." Patrick blushed and put his phone away. "Nah, that's all Elise." He looked around the venue. "So, back to back tours. Don't miss those." He said with a laugh. "Worse, it was their idea." Tara added helpfully.

Patrick smiled shaking his head, he remembered begging to be on tour all too much. "Enjoy it, guys. So many of your best memories will be this. Well, at least until you have kids." He said pointedly. Tara smiled, "I think we're enough kids for each other for a while longer." The guys nodded in agreement. They were at the top of the world at 24 and living their dreams.

"Well, I'm so proud of you guys. You've come a long way from the kids that opened for us." It was Tyler and Josh's turn to blush. Tara couldn't let that go. She quickly pinched their cheeks, getting her hand slapped from her brother. "Aww, you need to come around more, Pat, you still make them blush."

Deciding she had stood still long enough she decided to bug her brother. Josh saw her attention change and couldn't warn his best friend fast enough. The Joseph's were fast and athletic he'd give them that. She had hopped and grabbed her brother's hat before he realized and took off with a war scream. "Why do we bring her?!" Tyler shouted playfully before charging after his twin.

Patrick and Josh were laughing as the watched the siblings weaving through the stadium. It was good for them to run off excess energy. "She looks good." Patrick said quietly. Josh smiled and kept his eyes on the pair. "She is. It was a rough go this last time, but she's a fighter." Patrick nodded, he had been helping Pete battle bi-polar depression for a long time, he understood better than most.

Tara came tearing onto the stage and without breaking stride did a flip off the stage. Tyler was out of breath on the stage and had his hands on his knees. "She's crazy!" He teased. Tara laughed as she tossed his hat back at him. "Sure am, bro. That's what makes me so cool." She said with a wink.

Tyler laughed and grabbed his hat before sitting on the edge of the stage. The silence that followed meant nothing good. The twins looked at each other and if you knew what you were looking for you could see they were communicating. Josh knew they did this without realizing sometimes, but this time it was because they didn't want him to hear their thoughts.

"No! Whatever it is no." Josh said trying to stop the inevitable. He sighed and Patrick laughed when with giggles the two ran off together down a back hallway. "Wow, it's like having two Pete's, isn't it?" Patrick asked smiling.

Josh wasn't the slightest surprised when security went tearing past a few minutes later. Yelling about two people causing trouble on hover boards. He did laugh however when Mark walked out holding the twins by their shirts.

"For you." He said dropping Tara softly in front of him before marching Tyler over to Jenna. "Got yourself in trouble, huh?" He snickered. She nodded happily. "So worth it! We need one of those at home!" She said excitedly. Josh just put her on his hip. "Not in a million years, dear. I break enough for both of us." He said bopping her nose.

Patrick laughed as she tried to bite his hand. "Well, I see you quite literally have your hands full, so I'll see you all tonight." Patrick quietly walked out the way he came in.

"Baby?" Tara asked leaning her head on Josh's shoulder, tracing his tattoo. "Yes, baby girl?" He asked kissing her head, already knowing what she would say. "I'm tired." She said with a yawn and closing her eyes. He smirked knowing she always ran herself out then would sleep until showtime.

"Alright, darlin', let's go lay down on the bus, huh?" He grinned when his only answer was light snores. She hadn't been sleeping much so he was happy her usual tour habits were finally kicking in. "We'll be back." He said with a grin to Tyler and Jenna as he past. "Somethings never change." Tyler said with a smile of his own.

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