Fuck, Blurryface

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The rest of the show went off without a flaw. Though she still held her breath when her brother stood in the crowd, and especially when they held up Josh and his kit. She knew many of these people would rather die than let the guys get hurt, but accidents happen.

She was still the loudest yell when Ty introduced Josh. A tear ran down her face as the boys sang Trees and gave their traditional bow. She grabbed her sweaty drummer as he ran off the stage. "You're more amazing every show, baby." She said with a grin. "Elvis exit, guys!" Her brother called. Meaning they had to go straight to the bus for security.

"Great show, guys." Mark said walking with them to the back doors. "Thanks, man." Her brother said smiling. The couples were walking hand in hand to the bus when she had a great idea. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and turned on the camera. "So, Who gets the shower first?" She asked "innocently". The ensuing childlike battle would be on her Snapchat that night. Josh won, with Tyler complaining about longer legs the entire time.

When Josh came out in just his basketball shorts with his chest wet she had to make sure she wasn't drooling

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When Josh came out in just his basketball shorts with his chest wet she had to make sure she wasn't drooling. If anything the man got better looking every year. At this rate it was bad for her heart. She watched him tease Tyler as he went into the bathroom. Jenna was watching a movie with her ear phones in giving them a bit of privacy.

"Hey! Aren't you that hot shot drummer from the band tonight?" She asked with a wink. His smirk was wicked. "Why yes, I am, name's Josh, what's yours?" She didn't answer though, she was busy watching a water droplet roll down his stomach. "See something you like?" He asked, leaning on the rail to show off. "I'd like it a lot more in here with me." She said licking her lips.

With a chuckle he jumped into their bed space and threw the curtain closed. Unfortunately, their fun didn't get to last long. Tyler made sure to yell he was leaving the bathroom before actually leaving its safety. She knew her brother would be cautiously checking the area. "Your innocent eyes are safe, Tyler." She laughed. He sighed in relief, "Thank God we have a lot of hotels this tour. I don't think my brain could handle that."

Tara laughed as she pulled the curtain back some. "It's not like we can't be quiet." Josh quickly slapped his hand over her mouth. "What?!" Her brother screeched. Josh shook his head and Tara had tears of laughter running down her face. "She's lying! We would never." Josh tried to cover. She licked his hand making him flinch. "Yes we did! Last tour we.." the hand was back. "Well, you guys have a nice night." Josh said pulling the curtain.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" Josh whispered. "Oh please, babe, we're engaged. We live together for goodness sake. I think he knows." Josh sighed. "Knowing and talking about it to your best friend/brother-in-law are two very different things." She gave up, her fun was done anyways.

"Alright, well come be my big virginal spoon." That got a chuckle. "Just wait until the first hotel." He whispered huskily in her ear, making shiver run down her spine. He put his hand over her mouth again, before she could wonder why he was latched onto her sweet spot on her neck. Had his hand not been there she couldn't have stopped the resulting moan.

She knew what they had was special. There weren't many couples that fell more in love and lust with each other every day. Not to mention, spent as much time together as they did. It just worked for them somehow. After marking her he slowly lifted his hand and pulled her in close, tucking himself around her. It was a sad fact that it was safer for her to be on the inside with someone on guard.

Too many times she had been vulnerable in sleep and found herself waking up in the wrong place or attempting to harm herself. Finally getting comfortable they fell asleep soon after. It was a few hours later that she sat straight up in bed awake immediately. It had to have been at least four hours, since the bus had stopped.

In the next bed Tyler had done the same. Both Jenna and Josh woke at their movement. They looked at the Jospeh in bed with them and almost in sync tore back the curtains. The twins were sat straight up and gazing vacantly. Neither responding to their names being called. Their spouses moved quickly, knowing only one way to stop this.

Josh quickly scooped up Tara, ignoring the screeching this caused, and sitting her next to her twin. They seemed to go less ridged, then moments later laid down and curled into one ball. Josh and Jenna decided to get coffee up front since they knew it would be a while before they would be able to talk. Sitting down they both looked worried.

"They haven't had one this bad in a long time." Jenna said worried. "I know, I'm really hoping it was just stress induced. I don't think either of us could handle the hospitals again so soon." He said quietly. While Tara had been put into a high risk facility, Tyler had been allowed to stay in a normal hospital. It hadn't been been broadcasted.

"Josh?!" At the yell they both took off back to the bunks. Tyler was sitting up and shaking his sister. "Josh! Get her pills, blurry has her!" Ty yelled. Josh paled and quickly swiped the bottle they always had within reach. Jenna ran from the kitchen with a cup of water. Josh pulled Tara up so she didn't choke. He quickly put a pill and some water in her mouth, massaging her throat to be safe. She sputtered a bit. but took the pill.

They waited a few minutes looking worried. Finally, after what felt like an eternity she opened her eyes. "Oh thank God!" Was the general thought. "Guys, what happened?!" Jenna asked worried. Tyler looked at them with tears rolling down. "She took him for me." He said shakily. Jenna and Josh looked stunned.

"Babe, you what?" Josh asked quietly. This wasn't new, but was so dangerous to the already mentally unstable woman. "He has to be there for the fans. I can take him for a while." Tyler sobbed and grabbed his sister. "That was so stupid, and brave, and ...Thank you." He said whispering into her shoulder. "He will never get you as long as I'm alive." She said back.

They knew Blurryface wasn't an actual person, but it damn sure felt like one. It was the dark spot of depression that took the twins down more than once. She knew Tyler would have tried to go on with the show, but his heart would have been hurting. It was like having someone contradict all your good thoughts and tear at you from the inside. They had given it a name, because if it had a name you could beat it.

The twins had a connection, blurry liked to strike when they were asleep and vulnerable. She had felt the moment her twin became cloudy and had quickly jumped in from of him mentally. She would feel like shit for a few days, but she knew she could do it with her boys and Jenna.

"Well, I'm not getting any more sleep tonight. Anyone wanna watch crappy infomercials with me?" They all nodded, no one was tired after that. That was how they could be found the next morning. Past out across the couch piled on top of each other with the morning news blaring on the tv.


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