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"Hey Shigaraki, is getting the kid on our side even gonna do us any good? What if the brainwashing wasn't enough?" Spinner was still suspicious of Izuku. Dabi turned to look at him.

"Don't worry, Toga's with him if anything ever happens. Besides, we shouldn't underestimate the guy's brainwashing quir—"

*Knock knock knock*

"Hello, this is Pizza-la, Camino store."

Everyone suddenly stopped talking.

"Spinner, go check the door."

As Spinner was on his way to the door, All Might came crashing in.


The villains made an attempt to attack but soon, everyone was already held captive by the heroes. All Might looked each villain in the eye.

" You're games end here Shigaraki Tomura, now where's Midoriya Izuku?" He was dead serious.

Shigaraki turned to Kurogiri. "Kurogiri! Send them in!" But then nothing happened.

"Shigaraki... the noumus, they're not in the same place...."

"What?...." Shigaraki was mumbling.

"You should've never underestimated the heroes Shigaraki Tomura. Now where's Midori—." All Might was interrupted by an attack of random noumus coming out from black liquids.

Tsukauchi got a radio report saying that the heroes that were in charge of taking on the noumus were in trouble.

"It's definitely him, Toshinori." Gran Torino turned to All Might. "Take care of things here. I have somewhere to go." All Might then flew to the location of where the noumus were being held.

"Shit. You've got to be kidding me. This guy's powerful." Bakugou couldn't move.

All For One defeated Best Jeanist. He was all wounded laying on the ground. The heroes didn't know what to do. Everyone felt fear.

"I knew you would come." All For One positioned to prepare for impact from one of All Might's punches, but before the hero had a chance to blow a punch, a flash of green lighting passed appeared.

"Midoriya.... My Boy...?" All Might stared at the boy who was able to stop his punch.

"You're safe! My boy!" All Might gave the boy a big hug, but as he was about to bring him to safety, the boy pulled back.

"What kind of a fucking hero hugs his enemies? Are all heroes weirdoes?" Izuku looked at the number one hero with disgust. All Might was confused of the green haired teen's reaction.

Izuku?! Todoroki immediately recognized the voice.

"What the fuck... Deku's alright?!" Bakugou was the first to speak.

"Izuku, I thought Toga took you out for a walk? What are you doing here?" All For One put his shoulder on top of Izuku.

"I saw the news sensei, why wouldn't I come rushing here if the league is already in troub—"

"What did you do to him?" All Might butted in.

"Oh, just a little tweaking to help Izuku remove a lot of things off his mind." All For One answered.

Izuku looked at All For One. "Sensei, do I know him? Why does he seem familiar with me?.... wait.. You're the number one hero! All Might right?!"

"Izuku, I suggest you go back to Toga and the others. I can handle things he-" "MIDORIYA MY BOY! Don't listen to a word he says! You're a hero. Remember!"


"WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING HERE?!" All Might shouted.


Midoriya felt a slight pain inside his head.

"Ow! Tch! What the fuck?!" But before anybody had a chance to do something black liquid came out of Izuku's mouth, enveloping him as he disappears.

"I think we're done interacting with our little boy aren't we."

"Give him back! You know that he won't stay as a villain. Eventually you're plan will fail." Kirishima stepped forward.

"But who knows how long Shigaraki can use him." Everyone was horrified hearing the villain's words.

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