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Izuku went in to kick Bakugou, however Bakugou was always able to find a way to block his movements at the last second.

"What's wrong Deku?! Tired?" Bakugou spouted at him.

Izuku stopped all his movements and sighed heavily.

"You know, for some reason you really fucking annoy me. What's with you huh? Who the fuck are you?"
Izuku said in a normal tone.

"You know what? I don't fucking get you... all that shit you pulled at camp. I don't get it. You're always behind me, you should always be beneath me. But you had to fucking get kidnapped by those shitty villains."
Bakugou's eyes were serious. He stared directly into the green headed teen's eyes.

"...You're really stupid aren't you, kacchan?"

"What?" Bakugou's full attention went to that one word.

"I remember...... hehe... I fucking remembered!" Izuku smirked which turned into giggles then slowly turning into a loud laugh.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I FUCKING REMEMBERED YOU, YOU SHIT! I'm beneath you?! Hah! I fucking beat YOU! You're just jealous aren't you? That I actually had the potential to be a hero. That you're the the one whose starting to get beneath me—" Izuku's words were cut off by Bakugou who tried to take a swing on him.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING MOCK ME DEKU!" Bagukou went furious making random punches at the other boy.

"Hahahaha! Deku?! I like that! It's a reminder that you're actually scared of me getting above you! Continue calling me that kacchan! I love it!"

We better be as fast as possible or else we're gonna be in the way of  All Might. Todoroki wanted to make the fight as quick as possible. But, without Izuku, he's not gonna be willing to leave.

"Hey, Eyes on the fight, Shouto." The male with multiple scars threw blue flames at the hero student.

Todoroki wasn't comfortable with the fact that the villain was calling him by his first name.

"Iida! We need to grab Izuku and go now!" Denki was busy fighting the crazy girl with buns who kept throwing knives at him.

"Heyyy~ you shouldn't be looking away you know." Toga licked her lips.

"Shit, I'm not good yet with long range. She keeps throwing knives at me." Denki whispered to himself.

Iida was working together to fight the other villains while Kirishima was trying to take on Shigaraki.

If this guy touches me I'm dead. But I can't even get near him. How the hell am I gonna attack? Kirishima was in a pinch.

"You know, I don't get it. Why's Izuku so important to you? I mean... how could you care for someone so much to the point that you're risking your lives?" Shigaraki interrupted the fight with a question.

"How bout you? Won't you feel sad if someone very close to you was taken away? If you can't see that someone who always makes you happy?"

Shigaraki smirked. "Heh... Kirishima right? Your fucking words are making my ears ring."

The villain was about to make an attack when a tape, out of nowhere, suddenly wrapped around his wrist.

"Thought you guys might've needed some backup." Sero smirked while controlling his tape to throw the villain away from Kirishima.

"Guys! What are you doing here? How did you know about the plan?" Iida shouted at them.

"Obviously Jiro heard everything." Uraraka anwered.

Shigaraki turned to the heroes with a dark look. "More fucking hero wannabes keep showing up."

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