Darkness Rising Part 5

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"Transformers talking"

: Com Link:

": Bumblebee Talking:"

'Sibling bond'

"Sign Language"

Previously on Tfp...

"Megatron is building a Space Bridge to bring through his conquering army. But the only place Megatron could recruit that many fallen warriors..." Ratchet said shocked.

 "Precisely...Cybertron. We cannot allow Megatron to send Dark Energon through his Space Bridge. If we fail, the dead of Cybertron will rise. Swarm through its vortex and invade Earth. Bending humankind to Megatron's twisted rule." Optimus said solemnly.

Jack POV (Somewhere in Jasper)

I rode on my bike towards Knockout Burgers as I thought about last night. I never cry that much in my life. I was more composed and kept my feelings deep inside, but with all the stress thatʻs happening in my life I could say that I needed to get out of my system. I still felt ashamed about letting my anger get to me and I did almost hurt Miko. I stopped in front of the drive-thru and chained my rusty ten-speeder. I looked up at the sign and thought a bit only to sigh.

"Nice bike." said a voice as I turned around only to see Arcee behind me in her vehicle mode.

"Arcee, really. Miko already tried. Tell Optimus I respect him big time, but if you're at war with the Decepticons there's nothing I can do to help." ʻBesides this war isnʻt ours to interfere and we canʻt tell them who we are really.ʻ I thought sadly.

 "Optimus didn't send me and no one's asking for your help."

"OK, so, if we both agree that me and Josh not warrior material." 

"Jack, I just lost someone I cared about maybe it's the grief talking, maybe your both growing on me. Whatever it is I'm just not ready to say good-bye." she explained. I could tell sheʻs telling the truth and I know she must still feel terrible after finding out her partner is gone. I guess Iʻm too not ready to leave her either. She was the first person besides Josh to actually open myself up to her even if its for a week but I wouldnʻt say that out loud.

"Alright", I sighed in defeat, "You convinced me. Letʻs go and pick Josh Iʻm guessing he wants join the adventure too."

Jasper Library (Josh POV)

"Joshua, would you be a dear and put away the books from E to H for me." said the old Librarian, Molly towards the boy wearing prescription glasses.

"Alright. Iʻll do that now." I love working at the library. Why you ask, its all because I likes to read. When I read my first book, I had instantly fell in love with adventures, romance, science fiction, and many other books that I would read over and over again and never get tired of reading them but my favorite books, which is kind of embarrassing for me to tell,  are stories that talk about people finding their soulmates. Call me corny but I had always loved the idea of finding my one and only and we be together forever in our happily ever after. But you can only find them in fairytales and fiction but a guy can dream.

"Joshua, are taking any books with you again. Iʻll check them out for you before you leave." asked Molly. I finished up my task and went to pick a book I wanted to borrow then my eyes landed on one particular one. The book was titled, ʻ "All it took was one look" the Blue Moon series ʻ and it was one of my favorites. I brought the book to the counter where Molly was waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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