Chapter 5

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Luckily he and Chae Young have found a security guard really fast, apparently there was a missing girl with Chae Young is description, the relief that washed over him was overwhelming at least the little girl was not alone and someone was looking for her.

Chae Young has refused to go with the guard and to tell the truth he wasn't comfortable with the idea of letting her go with the man... So, now they were here waiting for her mother to come. He have been talking for a while with the man when other security guards began to gather around them, he was explaining where he found her, when in the distance they hear clearly as a woman screamed Chae Young is name.

Chae Young immediately let go of his hand and began to run in the direction were the woman was coming; they were a little afar so he couldn't see her clearly. The woman dropped to her knees and received her daughter in a bear like hug. It was a really heartwarming sight to watch mother and daughter be together again, little by little all the people that was gathered there began to move in the direction where the woman and the daughter were together. There were a lot of people standing between him and them, but he could clearly hear the woman talking sweetly to her daughter.

When he got to stand in the front, the woman had her back to him and was bowing to each guard thanking them for helping to find her daughter. He felt the guard beside him slapping his back telling in a loud voice "No Mrs. Seo, all this will not have been possible without the help of this man"

The woman turned, bowed low to him and said "Sir, Thank you so much for helping me find my daughter..." He was going to tell her it was not necessary but the moment she looked up, their eyes clashed. His blood ran cold... Just a few seconds and his world was turned upside down again. The world stopped moving as he took in the sight in front of him, he will recognize that face, those eyes in any place, he couldn't belief she was here standing in front of him, holding a little girl in her arms... Her daughter. His heart was beating so fast, a thousand of thoughts were running in his head, but nothing made sense... He could see she was shocked to see him too; the blood had drained from her face, she looked so pale and fragile... He thought she could collapse in any moment.

"Seohyun is that you...?" The stupidest question ever was the only thing that left his mouth as he looked at her... of course it was her, a different woman but still the same Seohyun. How many years have it been?... Five years... Five long years trying to forget the woman in front of him but failing miserably. But now she was in front of him again... Looking as beautiful as ever. Even if she looked distraught with their encounter. She looked as she wanted to run away but he was not going to let her go "Seo Joo Hyun?"

"Taehyung" was the only thing that escaped her lips as she looked frantically around her, of all people of all places how could they meet again under these circumstances. She has planned so much how to approach him and talk to him about their daughter, but destiny has a way of making the sickest jokes. Well she was not laughing... She didn't want to face him like this, she was not prepared, she could feel her breathing accelerating little by little she was going to enter into a panic attack... The things were not going the way she have planned, she was going to talk to him first and then after all the shouts she was sure she was going to receive and with a much calmer Taehyung; She was going to present him his daughter, not before... not before him knowing the truth. But now he was the one that helped to find her missing daughter, he has seen her first, talk to her without knowing she was his daughter.

A deep pain settled in her chest, she was feeling so guilty. She could feel tears collecting in her eyes, but she blinked several times to contain her reaction. Taehyung was looking at her with a closed expression on his face, not giving away what he was thinking or feeling. He hadn't changed a lot, years have make him look more mature, his boyish charm was not there anymore, but a mantel of knowledge has settle on him, making him look more like a man of the world... So many years have passed but her reaction to him was exactly the same, her heart was beating so fast now, but this time not because of panic, this time it was because she couldn't stop her reaction to him looking so handsome... He was wearing a pair of lose jeans with a white long sleeve shirt rolled up to his elbows, and to complete the whole package the first three buttons of the shirt were left open.

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