The choice

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        My feet hit the pavement in an uneven beat. A loud bang echoed through the sky and rain started to pour down heavily. I pulled the hoodie back over my head. No time to stop; I need to find Caleb. He should be at Bennet's Pharmacy, the place he is often seen after jobs. Pain rattled inside my head. Crap, not now. I need to get across the street. 
        The road felt slick when I started to cross. Someone needs to careful when driving tonight, there could be a wreak. I stopped when I lost my footing to regain my balance. I heard splashing behind me. Someone was following me. I quickened my pace with each step and they matched my rythem. I had heard these steps once before.
        I lunged toward the door of the pharmacy. After bursting through the door like an idiot, I tried to regain my cool and walk it off, but since I had made so much noise everyone in Bennet's was staring at me. I looked around the dim lighted bar trying to find Caleb in the crowd of thuggy looking people. Pain clattered around in my head again with more intensity. Dang it, where the heck is that guy?! My eyes glanced over at the bar area and I finally saw a familiar face.
        "Caleb!" I called out. He spun around in his swivel chair to see who was calling him, but when he saw me he didn't become as happy as I did. His face had a large scowl across it. 
        "Why are you here Anthony?" Caleb said with the frustration pouring out of his voice. "I thought I told you to stay home." In the back of the bar the doorbell rang and someone entered in. A familiar smell of Suave shampoo and iron filled Bennet's. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. The pain in my head was extremely intense now. "Hey are you even listening to me?! Anthony! Crap, you've even done something to your arm!" 
        I turned around and saw Iris coming closer and closer with her eyes set on me. She glanced at Caleb and stared at him with a burning hatred. This is not good, not good at all. My ears were ringing and I couldn' t hear whatever Caleb was yelling at me. My head increasingly got worse.
        The pain in my head was worse than anything I had ever experienced in my life. This was not like any headache I had gotten before. It was like my head was slowly ripping open. Among the pain a voice in my head kept on whispering.
    "Choose," said a familiar hissing voice. "Choose raise or destruction." My head was spinning around with pain. The faces around me warped into darkness. "Choose," the voice said more demanding. I couldn't stand up any longer. it was like my legs refused to respond to me. "CHOOSE!" I couldn't stand it any longer.
     "Destruction". The crowd of people vanished from my vison as fell to the groud.

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