Life after death

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"I'm Chen Zilber reporting from the Sound Estate. As you can see behind me, hundreds of fans from around Lost Angelos gathered to say goodbye to their favorite singer" Chen pointed at the crowd behind her. "They spontaneously came to give one last honor to the late pop icon Robbie Joneze".

The cameraman moved the camera from the reporter, he tried to focus on what she described. his camera focused on the improvised signs that some fans waved in a display of grief. "Robbie Jonze was able to touch with her songs the hearts of all of those people" The reporter stood in the midst of the crowd, feeling like many of those present here, that she was part of something larger. "You can see how much love they have for her" she added sadly.


I was left alone in the dark, everyone left. It was the first time I had ever seen my home as a dark and frightening place. Of course, I didn't just stand there... like before. How much time can you stare without doing anything? What did I do? I hunted the place.

I thought it was going to be my job in the afterlife. What do think? as a ghost. Yes, I believed that forever I would be stuck in my huge estate. I imagined they would start telling urban legends about me... and that tourists would come from all over looking for me, ghost me. and I would scare them, like a good friendly ghost. 

What else could I think? Too bad there are no ghost books... you know like guides... someone needs to write one. Anyway, I moved around in frustration until I heard a tune from outside. It was made from familiar words.

"Here they come, The angels of music

 'with a song in their heart 

And music by their side"

The sounds of singing made me feel alive again. These were my songs, some of them written by myself and others written especially for me, but they were all mine. I felt the loneliness dissolve. I hurried out and left the living room. I went to the porch to see who was singing.

"Their shining star was left behind them on the sidewalk.

They will be loved forever ever.

See how they shine.

Outside the estate, I saw thousands of candles. They shone brightly through the night. my fans were behind the fences, around my house. Also, I could also see colorful signs carried by the people outside. On them, they wrote eulogies and words of love. Pictures of me were attached to the fences and created a mosaic around my home. Ghostly tears streamed from my eyes. 

"Let us not forget a melody or sound. 

Their music will accompany our memories... 

... Forever and ever..."

I was so absorbed in the singing that I didn't notice the "Voosh" noise from within the house. Someone came in without using the door. He walked casually around my house, looking for me. The stranger stopped behind me, a surprised look on his face. 

I was startled when I heard "sorry babe, really sorry to disturb you like that". 

I turned around. It was surprising to see him. A rock star that had been dead for nearly thirty years. He looked like an old picture, long curly hair that never seen a comb or a stylist. His coat with which he was buried, was the only thing that covered his upper body. Torn jeans and cowboy boots completed the look of the ghostly singer.

" Dog Morri Sun" My lips moved and formed the name without any sound.

 He smiled a crooked smile "Robbie Joneze?" 

I nodded and wanted to know how he could talk.

"Excellent this time I came to the right place. You should see the previous girl... I almost gathered her soul... It could have created a really embarrassing incident... They do not like it when I bring the wrong souls" 

Awesome! You're taking me to the next world? I wanted to ask. 

"So, you don't... Oh, babe... I've come across this before" Dog looked for something in the pockets of his coat. " here it is!" He handed me a notebook and a pen. " This is for you to write" He held out his hand to me. "Are you ready to go?"  

I held out my hand and didn't think too much about it. I was so excited. After all, how could I even know what was coming next? Everything around us became blurred and dissolved. I left everything behind me, my home and fans. Yes, I lost my life, but now I had my afterlife and I thought that could last forever.  

Afterlife by Robbie JonezeWhere stories live. Discover now