first day

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[ It was the day that I will go to the tree city and win the running man competition,I just wish I can get back alive😅 ]
I took a deep breath"here we go"I said walking to the gate
I step on the moving flat form and it move and I saw all the competitors, I saw a little penguin who is looking on some kind of power cards, a girrafe that is taking off the dust out of his clothes, a goat who is sleepi-
"why is he sleeping?....never mind"I said while I shake my head and continue to look at the others
I saw a big tiger"whoa...where doom"I said getting scared I shooked it off and continue to look at the others AGAIN
I saw a pink haired cat"I think she's the only girl competitor here"I said and then I noticed that my heart is beating faster"what?"i said in a confused tone"I might be nervous"I said
A scanner came out "Identity required Gai of the mong tribe"the scanner said scanning me and then a robot came out
"The competition will start soon cause we will be waiting for one more contestant"the robot said
"Phew...good cause I'm not really that ready"I said

Lonky POV

"Ugh!! Ok but a prince don't have much patience..."I said I need to win this game so I can become king I know this game is gonna be so easy, but I didn't know I need to bring patience,i then sough a penguin to my right and talk to him"hello there..."I greeted"yes?"he said looking at med and back to hid cards"nothing just bored"I said
"Can you talk to someone else! I'm busy.."he said fixing his cards

Sorry if it's short I don't have a lot of ideas in this time cause all I'm thinking is my birthday tomorrow and projects

MY PYSCHO GIRL (OC Back Story And A Gaiyo Story) ON HOLD!Where stories live. Discover now