The darkness goddess

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"I thought you said your not going to hurt her!"I yelled to firecotta "we didn't have a choice,plus if she die then she'll know how it feels"firecotta said slightly grinning "you lied to me!"I exclaim "so what are you gonna do about it?"firecotta said with a smirk on her face "I quit.."I said I'm anger,this made firecotta laugh "ha! If you want to quit then quit!,but remember, without me you won't have a life to see that monster you call your lover"she said on her shoulder back facing me,she was about to walk away but she froze when a earthquake starts then we heard a crash and screams coming inside the building.we then ran to wear it was coming from I then froze when I sough an familiar face in a creepy form

"Meme?"I ask in a low tone
But she hears it she look at me with no emotions at all
"Hello woo"she said then glace at firecotta who hiss "and hello my dear fire goddess"she said.her voice was mix up with some kind of demonic voice,firecotta then begun to examine her then froze
"That black diamond on your forehead...."firecotta says in shock at look at her confuse
"That is dark's diamond,how did you manage to get's impossible"firecotta said
Meme's face then finally showed some emotion and laughed
"You shouldn't have underestimate a person who is so depressed and can read minds... pathetic"meme said and smirk,firecotta growl "I was on my way to death but depression and vengeance was still keeping me alive.and because of skill ive manage to go inside of dark's mind and got her powers since her lifeless body won't really need it"meme or the darkness goddess said smirking again
"Guards sease her!"firecotta said as the guards then begun to attack but failed firecotta then go attacked her as I escape
"I need help"I said to may self as I make my way to safety

No one's POV

Meanwhile with the RMA contestants,they had just woken up from consciousness and found themselves in a lab

"Huh?where are we?"the bug said "ah..your awake"says doc.mala "what happened?"popo said rubbing his eyes "someone found you on some kind of base and found you unconscious"the goat says.miyo then realized what happened,her beloved sister somehow change her form
"Meme!"miyo said trying to stand up but Gai stopped her
"You need to rest because your gonna need all your strength to defeat the darkness goddess"someone said from the corner "what do you mean by darkness goddess?"miyo said
"Yes...your sister manage to scape death and got dark's power with her mind power"the shadow figure said "wait who are you?,show your self"lonky said
The guy then sigh then walk closer to the lights to reveal himself
"You.."miyo said glaring at woo
"Your the reason why my sister almost died!"miyo said trying to scape gai's grip "you played with her feelings without knowing what she's been through!!"
Miyo said she really want to scratch that guy in the face over and over again
"Miyo calm down"Gai said in a calming voice
"Calm?CALM?! It's his fault she's in that form!"
Woo was looking down with his brown hair covering his eyes and say nothing
"I know..."woo said that makes miyo stop and changed her expression to a confused one
"Thats why I want to help,i want to fix the mess I have made"woo said in a serious yet sad tone and then he sigh

Miyo was about to say something but then a screen open
"Hello running men"the darkness goddess said in the screen
"Wherever you are,stop cowaring and meet me her in the NTAS building and face your creation"meme said before the screen dissapeared
Silence filled the room until a giraffe say something
"What does she mean by OUR creation?"lonky said "I don't know..."liu said
"So what's the plan?"kuga said


the darkness goddess was sitting on her throne stroking her staff.
Being a goddess felt so good,she never felt so powerful before
She would kill anyone who would steal it
She raised her staff and mumbled something under her breath and before she knew it hundreds of creepy and scary demons then rise from the ground.i smile then formed from her face "you! Guard the doors and you! Make sure no one else is in the building and the rest of you get ready for an upcoming enemy"the goddess ordered
And they quickly followed

To be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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