one simple apology

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I don't know any good tittle
( And I think physco and a killer is the same thing agree or not? comment your answer
Sorry if don't really updated cause theres a lot of things in my mind and the bad news is I'm not one of the honor students T^T
3rd persons POV

Miyo was at the balcony upset of what the they did because of her
"Hey...."meme called but she didn't answer meme sat beside her "I can't believe they hurt themselves because of me!"miyo said with her head on her knees thinking about what they did,meme sigh "it's not your fault miyo..."meme said "then tell me, why are they fighting!?"miyo said looking at miyo,meme didn't answer cause she doesn't want to lie to her sister "that's what I thought"miyo said looking back down to her shoes"but that was their decision"meme said and miyo look at her sister who is looking at the sky "and you didn't want it to happen,right?"meme said looking at miyo and miyo looked down nodding slowly "they hurt each others for you but they didn't know that they can also hurt YOU"meme said "so don't blame yourself"meme said
Miyo looked down at her shoes "come on let's go home"meme said standing up and she looked at her "and hey I'll bake cookies for you!"meme said giving miyo a hand miyo looked up and smiled "thanks meme"miyo said hugging meme and meme hug back "no prob,stop crying"meme said backing away from the hug and look at miyo "it's not right for a beautiful girl to cry like this"meme said wiping a the tears on miyo's face with a handkerchief,miyo giggled
meme and miyo walk out of the balcony with miyo then they came upon woo "wait here for a second sis"Kem said then she nooded she go to woo
"Hi..."meme said "hey.."will said "sorry about the fight my friends cause"meme apologize looking down "it's need to apologize"woo said "I'll pay the damages they cause"meme said "like I said no need to apologize,its ok"woo said "what about charming gold he might-""I'll take care of that"woo cut meme off and that made meme looked up on him and smiled "thank you"meme said "no problem...go take care of your sister"woo said "ok...bye!"meme said going to miyo and waving goodbye to woo before leaving the building
With her sister

Lina POV

"You didn't think it first before doing it!"I said looking at liu "I know and who are you?"liu said "I'm Lina,lina yandere"I introduced my self
"liu"liu said "wh-"liu was cut off "don't change the subject, why did you do it?"I said "I don't know,i didn't think it through!,now miyo is upset"liu said looking down *this not the liu I know on TV he always think before he does something but when it comes to that cat* I sigh "liu.....all you have to do now is apologize to her and Gai since you were the one who started it"I said "yeah your right"liu said
I sigh "come on"I said standing up "let's go get some fresh air..."I gave a hand and he accept it and we got out


I sigh flashbacking to the part where miyo run away when she sough us fighting "i messed up"I said looking down "that's what you get when you-"kuga cut lonky off by throwing him in the corner of the room "don't listen to have no choice but to defend your self..."popo said "but it was still wrong"I said
"Just forget about didn't mean to do it"kuga said
"How can I forget it when miyo is totally upset right now!"I said
"Just apologize!"popo said and the room was fuled of silence

Miyo POV

"Agh"I groaned while stabbing a person with a knife,meme was well also stabbing another person with her katana and rema  was shooting someone with the gun don't worry the gun has a thing so it would not make a loud noise "wooh! That felt good"I said "we better go guys"rema said "k..."meme said

Time skip

Me and Lina was talking in the living room,and meme well she and woo are hanging out (ekkk!!!) And I wonder where Gai is I'm waiting for him to apologize and liu also


"Ok let's go"I said me and Gai peek in the living room and sough miyo "psst"Gai called miyo glanced at us we ask her to come closer to us,she walked to us with a normal face "yes?"miyo said "we're sorry miyo"me and Gai said Gai walked to miyo and gave her a boque of flower "yeah we really sorry,we were such a jerk"Gai said "it's ok,I forgive u"miyo said and smiled we smiled back and hug
Finally everything is back to normal now and I have no feelings for miyo now,cause I now know that she is not the one for me

To be continue...

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