inlove with a physco

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Author: so in this story miyo is a spy but she kills people because it's her hobby, and I want to pick 1 person to join the story so comment if u want to join also send your oc and I'm the cover is not ready yet I'm still working on it and also please visit and like my page in fb called my arts
And the profile pic is a cat girl like miyo but with a purple hair .....ok let's get started
This is suppose to be in chapter 1 but when I checked it it's not there I think I forgot to save it so
Let's continue it here...

Lonky POV

Well that was rude, I smiled like I am gonna do something funny
"You do know toys are not allowed here"I said taking one of his cards "thats not toys!! Thats a magical card called tarot cards!!"he said proudly like it was so amazing I rolled my eyes
"Give it back now!!" He said trying to reach the card that I was holding "try to reach it"I said with a laugh I heard a sound and noticed the late contestant is here
Popo got the opportunity to reach the cards but didn't care I'm gonna get ready for the game
Cause there's gonna be a lot of cameras

"Don't walk run!" The robot said

U already know what happened so let's skip


Miyo POV

I was falling,I close my eyes so I won't look down but I can feel I on the ground?
I open my eyes to see a boy carrying me in bridal style,my heart beats faster but I then remembered the game! I step on his face and go to the R point


Im gonna loose this match but why do I feel that I don't care I just look at her while I'm falling and I have this feeling that I  don't understand I'm supposed to be feeling disappointed in my self but why do I still don't care.
I drop to ground on my knees when I look up,the tiger already won "I knew it"I said

"the winner is lonky!"the robot said while the stick thingy shows a girrafe guy
"Wow! He really got that tiger"I said with a little smirk

Many minutes later

others are already been introduced I guess whos next?

The next contestant is from the nyanya tribe, a mysterious dark beauty... miyo shi!!(it don't
really said miyo shi but nah)
I give her a flying kiss... Why did I do that?
she just cross her arms and look away, but I just smiled and blushed a little
Why do I feel so weird and why do I always do things like that when she's around...what is this feeling?
After the in introduction
We head over to our dorms to put our things since it's not night yet I decided to look at the place
I go outside my room and take a walk in to the halls
I was thinking about that pink haired cat why can't I stop thinking about her!!
Her pink hair,her green eyes like emerald she's just so cut- I bumped into someone and snap out

I opened my eyes to see a green bug
"I'm so sorry! I was spacing out"I said giving him a hand
"It's ok"he said "wait your liu the one who kicked me in the face twice... right?"I ask
"Yeah sorry that was an accident"he said
"It's ok, I'm Gai"I said "nice to meet you gai"he said
"So wanna come explore the house?"I said "sure."he said
We walk on the hallways we sough the girl that im always thinking about.."hi miyo!"liu said
"Waah!! Oh hi guys"miyo said and smiled weirdly "um...are you ok?"I asked "y-yeah I'm fine who said I wasn't?"miyo said "your just so jumpy today"I said she didn't say anything but smiled oh gosh she's pretty I stop asking question cause I was distracted by her sweet smile


I got a little mad cause she's smiling at him and his blushing
And I don't know why
I then sough a red liquid on her clothes
" that blood?"I said so I can break there eye contact "oh's just paint cause I was designing my room"miyo said
"Oh ok...I was designing my room too"I said "oh I didn't know  we still have to design our room"Gai said "it's ok... I will help you design your room"miyo said "you don't need to"Gai said blushing "it's ok Im good at designing stuffs"miyo said "thank you"Gai said I wanna go too but I have something to do "um...guys I'm gonna go"I said walking away "ok!" They said I walk to hallways with a angry expression

Miyo POV

"Excuse me Gai I'm gonna do something"I said "ok see you later"Gai said walking away
I got it my room and wear a black pant,black long sleeve and a mask I quickly take my ponytail off and grab a knife
And now it's time to meet with my sis and bff, I go outside the window going to the woods and sough my sister and my bff
"Hi meme, hi rema"I greeted them "hi sis! Are u ready?"meme said "I'm always ready"i said "ok let's go"rema said, we nooded and run to the alley, we wore the same outfit
We hide in the empty trash can and wait for someone to come

We then heard a voice then come out of our hiding spots
"Hi there"I said with a creepy voice "um.. what do u want?"???? Said "we just wanna play a game called stabbing"meme said "yeah all we have to do is to stab you with deadly weapons"rema said
She then try to scape but I was blocking her way "time to die now"I said holding the knife and stab her stomach "she Lay down still alive but loosing bloods and trying to crawl her way out
"We're do you think your going"meme said in a creepy face and voice she then take her katana out and stab her in the head now shes laying there dead with lots of blood going of her body and we can see her brain

"Ok let's go I'm gonna help someone designing a room"I said
"Can I come,i will behave"meme said "sure"I said "yay! but first let's get clean up"meme said "sure let's go"I said we got clean up and I go home with meme, rema go home too
We entered the house with our usual clothes
We walk in the hallways to the living room we sough all of the boys talking
"Hi guys"I greeted "hi miyo!"they said "um..who's the girl?"liu said
"This is my sister,meme."I said "hi!"she greeted everyone was shocked and I don't know why "what?"meme said "we didn't know you have a sister miyo"popo said
"Well you know now"I said

To be continue!

MY PYSCHO GIRL (OC Back Story And A Gaiyo Story) ON HOLD!Where stories live. Discover now