love grows

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I read the last chapter and there's some errors on the the works like the "ok" turn into a "oo", Keyboards problems so don't mind them and there's still no readers on this I'm just gonna be patient with that ok let's get started

Miyo POV
"But I dont really understand why they were shocked cause I have a sister AND I just meet them and didn't even got to speak with the others
But whatever"I thought
"Meme! Meet liu,gai,popo,lonky,pala and kuga"I introduced them
"Hi!"they greeted except for kuga who just wave his hand slow
"Ok Gai let's go design your room"I said
"Sis don't you think it's a little early for that"meme says dirty mindedly, she learned how because all of her classmates are dirty minded but not really into those gross stuffs,they just say dirty minded stuffs for jokes not for real ( just like in real life but don't judge pwease )  "I'm just helping him meme😑"I said
"Ok~~"meme said trying to annoy me with a little giggle and the boys were trying to stop there laughs, I rolled my eyes and go to to Gai's room with gai

We entered his room and sough that all the things that we need is prepared "ok let's get started"I said and Gai nooded
"After a few minutes later of designing the room while knowing about ourselves, we were done and even if it's only been a few minutes I already feel something if I'm with him it's like I have butterflies in my stomach


"Miyo shi bond! You have been choosen for a very important mission you must find out, what charming gold ,don't fall in in love and making friends don't trust anyone but your family and any nyanyans "her boss said
"Yes sir"miyo said while putting her belt and walk out
They didn't know that miyo is also a physco who kills people from other tribes but
Meme is already a physco and she's also a spy
Meme said that  they won't find out cause she knows that they trust them and they have no doubt on them( she can read minds by looking at the persons eyes)

She just hopes they won't find out cause...

She don't want to....

Disappoint her parents..

Cause all her life they didn't give her affections but to train her and train her she got tired of it so she wanted a good hobby to take all her stress out
One day she killed an outsider and it felt good she killed him because it almost kill here
But when she became the best cipher spy she wanted to stop being a physco but it didn't work
She just loves doing that to take her stress away
And plus she's a good evidence hider
(If u guys don't get it,try to understand it cause I think I'm getting bad at speaking English)


Meme POV

Meanwhile at the others

"So you can read minds like miyo?"liu ask
I nooded "btw.. why is this guy is so silent"I ask
"Don't worry about him,his just shy"lonky said
"Oh thats a big fella for being shy, is that mean his a baby inside"I said "hahaha that's what I said"he said laughing and me and the others are also laughing
"I'm not shy! I just have nothing to talk about"kuga said
"Hahaha yeah right"I said laughing with the others
"What a cute little babwe"I said with a face that's saying that his a little baby lonky did the same
Kuga looked away cause his starting to blush
"His blushing"I said
"No I'm not!"he said looking
"Yes you are! That's what people do sometimes when they blush they look away"I said "yeah~"lonky said
Kuga blushed so hard ( OMG kuiyo UwU )
The others were crying for laughing so hard that kuga left the room
"We make a pretty good team"lonky said "yeah!"I said giving him a high five ( I just want lonky to be my partner at annoying people his just so funny 😂)

Miyo pov

After designing the room,me and Gai continue to talk
"I know right!"I said laughing so hard with him and then we looked into each others eyes  until I noticed his hand is on top of mine "um...Gai my hand"I said blushing a little "oh uh umm...sorry"he said looking away "it's ok"I said and there's a little silence in room
"Oh um...let's go see what's the others doing"I said breaking the awkward silence "oh...ok"he said
We walk out of his room and got to the living room seeing my sister and boys talking except for kuga who is not there
"Hi sis!"meme said waving at me
" what do you guys think of my sister?"I ask "she's great!"the boys said "good to hear"they said "what did you guys do when we were designing my room?"Gai said "well me and meme annoyed kuga so hard that he blushed and left the room"lonky said with smirk and meme giggling "yeah! His such a cute little kitty cat"meme said with a cute face "oh I forgot that you two are good at annoying people"miyo said "we do make a pretty good team"lonky said giving me a high five
"Hey what about let's play a game this Saturday"popo said "sure"we said
"Ok I'm gonna tell kuga"popo said walking away "well I gotta go to sleep"meme said walking away "wait where are you going?"I asked "To your room"she answered "but I thought your just visiting here?" I said "oh did I forgot to tell you that I'm staying here?"meme said with a annoying face and run away laughing "ugh!! Well I gotta go to"I said "night miyo"Gai said I look back at him "night.."I said and then walking away with my heart pumping fast

To be continue

Words - 1000

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