Out of control

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Sorry if the story is not really what you expected
I promise to make a pyscho story like this one the real pyscho story

Meme POV

I woke up in a ocean with the sky that has no stars nor a moon,all I can see is a ocean and dark skies.
I was breathing difficulty and I can her the sounds of a heart beat....not just any heart beat.MY heart beat

"I'm back here again"I said in a low tone almost like a whisper
I touch the water with hands then a path open leading deep down into the ocean,there are stairs so I came down a white light then shined then everything went blurry
I open my eyes to see me standing in front of a bunch of orbs,i came closer to it and grab one of the orbs in my hand
Then a image came out.it was me when I was young,the memory of my little self who did not felt a parents love,but their disappointing looks and words I've been trained my whole life for them to be proud of me even tho I wasn't really theirs.
Another orb then appeared on my left and I glance at it
It was another orb of another memory of mine
The time that their gonna choose a new leader of the NTAS,it was a big deal specially for me.sadly they didn't choose me,i was depressed,tired and crushed by my expectations,and that's why I got into a mental disease it is called Physcopath.my Sister found out about it and luckily she didn't tell anyone about it,she even gave me some random medicine to keep it under control.
I only become a pyscho when I'm stress out or any negative emotions I would have.
I could feel tears that started to form in my eyes,then a lot of bad and sad memory orbs came out.i sough the memory of woo who just pretended to love me.i began to sob and clinch my fist
I did everything to make them proud and even sacrifice my life for it but yet they didn't seem to care,i tried my best to look positive to other people but they took advantage of it,even my Sister's personalty has Change over me.....

Everything is a lie.....
I hate everyone......and my life

Expectations...heart break....rejection.....depression....stress and more

It's their fault that I'm like this

I wanna kill them...

A door then open in front of me
The door looks formal but creepy at the same time.i greted my teeth,my fist tighten,the tears in my now red eyes was still streaming down my cheeks and my expression then change into an angry face with a mix of sadness
I walk towards the door and go in seeing blood red glowing roots in the walls,a river of a dark water and on front of it a black diamond,I took 2 steps forward then I hear whispers,the whispers thats telling me touch it while the others are reminding me of the things I've been through.i walk towards it and my expression is still there,the whispers get louder.my hand reach for it but hesitate the whispers then went louder and louder..

"Show them who's the queen"

I then grab the black diamond in my hands then it disappears,an earthquake then starts and I hear loud mixed up voices in head.i covered my ears but it didn't work I look at the glass pillar only to see my pupils turning to blood red,and the whites in the corner of my eyes turning black,i step back then my tears turn black,i look at my hands to see bloody red roots formed something then appeared on my forehead I notice that was the black diamond,my hair grows about longer and turn into red my clothes began changing then everything went black


No one's POV

The base was shaking,miyo was called to the infirmary quickly
She over there with the rest of the gang then sough here sister was floating and glowing,everything was wreck up.everything went bright
They cover there eyes with the back of there hand Athens the bright light dissapeared
A shade of blood red roots then form in corner of the room they look up to see that the glowing feline appearance turn into a majestic yet scary form it open its eyes for them to see the demonic-like eyes with black tears going out of it

Miyo POV

I was shock yet terrified looking at the form that my sister becomes
"Meme?"I ask with a low tone
She then glance at us with no emotions in here face,she raised her hands then we floated on the air she drag her hand to left and the other one to right that sent us flying to the wall she then floated right to the exit door that was in front of her,my hands then tried to reach her that was almost at the door,i was on the floor struggling but then my vision blurred and everything went black

To be continue

MY PYSCHO GIRL (OC Back Story And A Gaiyo Story) ON HOLD!Where stories live. Discover now