The big one

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Niharika can feel it the spark they had is gone. She loves him but she can see him how he ignores her most of the time. Every night she cries herself to sleep as she never get any text back whenever she ask Tanveer Why the simple answer he had is " I slept early" or "I was high".

Tanveer got a new flatmate or may be a weed supplier every other day he is getting high with him. Niharika asked him to stop this but he never listens and starts a lecture about the advantages of weed.

She knew she couldnt take this anymore so at the dawn of the next day. They met before their lecture. She sat closed to him and asked him to choose between his weed and her. Her heart knows he would definetly go with her but she was not ready for what he was about to say.  Tanveer took a deep breath and said " I wont leave it for you or anyone, this is what makes me happy if you want to be with me you have to accept or else you can leave... "
After a long silence Niharika with a heavy heart and teary eyes said good bye to her love and left.

She was so hurt that she didnt have the strenght to see him and attend her class. She went back to her room and cried and cried thinking about every promises he made , thinking about the times he told her he loves her. She could'nt understand how she could love such a guy who never gives a damn about her. How she could be in love with such an Ungrateful individual. She got up from her bed in rage and took all his gifts that reminded her of him kept them in a bag and threw them on a corner of her room.

At noon when her roomates came back they saw that bag on the corner they didnt ask anything to her but whispered something within themselves.

The next morning it was the same story for Niharika she was too tired to go so she skipped one more day.
Meanwhile, in the class when Tanveee could'nt find Niharika came to one of her roomate and asked her about Niharika may be out of affection or just some curosity.

Her roomate Sakshi never liked her and was always jealoused with her realtionship with Tanveer so she told him that Niharika is okay and she is just resting and she wanted to give him his gifts back.. After listening to this Tanveer was so angry that he told Sakshi to give those gifts back ti him today.

Sakshi went back to the room and told Niharika what Tanveer asked her to. Niharika was so upset and engraged that she took her phone and called and the second he picked up the call she said everything she had in her mind while Tanveer was just silent Listening to what she has to say. The moment Niharika was done getting all of her feelings out of her lips in words he just said you can give me back what you wanted to give.

At that instance the rage in Niharika eyes were clearly visible she took the bag full of Tanveer's gifts went outside and just handed him over and went back her room with teary eyes without even looking back even once.

Meanwhile, Tanveer threw the bag on the exact spot and went back to his pg. That whole night not even one of the texted each other. Niharika was still in her bed scrolling down the pictures she has with Tanveer and just wondering what went wrong.

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