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I woke up to a strange sound. The night was wearing away as it gradually approached dawn. My eyes quickly acquainted themselves to the surrounding and I saw the man who I thought was dead, retracting the stake out of his body. He threw it aside and picked up his axe and walked towards me.

"Oh please," I pleaded in a terror-stricken voice, I've done you no wrong. Do not kill me, just tell me what you want."

He stopped in his steps. "What I want?" His voice was unlike anything I've ever heard. It was quite robotic, somewhat electrical, so deep and hoarse I could barely make out his words. "What I want is for nature to takes it's course. I know what you came for but you can not have it. You think you are the first to learn about the Duidlac? You think many before you have not walked this same path and ended just as you are about to end? Indeed you know so little. The Duidlac is the cure to all ills but it must never get into Man's wicked hands. Man was doomed to suffer and die from the very day he sinned and I am here as the Keeper of Nature to ensure he never gets to this ultimate cure for his curse. And now, you must die as many have died."

With that said, he stepped forward again towards me. I could see death written all over his face and I was at my wits end.

"I'll never return here," I cried, "in fact I'll declare to the world that this is a no-go area. Please, for God's sake do not kill me! My friend Danny is dead already please just let me go." Tears were flowing down my cheeks now.

"You lie just as everyone of your race does. No, you shall return in twenties and hundreds. I surely must put an end to you just like I did your father," he laughed cheekily in a funny mischievous way.

"What?" I asked in astonishment. "My dad? How do you know my dad?"

"How do I know what you came here for?"

"But- I'm confused here. Who are you? What in the name of Christ are you? And you say you killed my dad?"

"He was a scientist, yes? He knew about the Duidlac too. Came over here searching for it but I can't let anyone have it. He gave me such a tough time just as you have done, gave me this scar you see here."

"But I was told my Dad died in a car accident. I don't understand."

"Your world is full of lies and deceit. Now I'm done talking with you."

Just as he raised his axe for the umpteenth time, the sound of an approaching vehicle could be heard and the bright headlights burned into the hideous monster's face. I looked in the direction of the vehicle and then back at José but he was gone. I must have fainted then.

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