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My eyes strained to get accustomed to the dimly lit room. A glimmer of light upon the face of my watch laying on the nightstand was faintly visible as the crescent moon begrudgingly dispersed its dim rays through the slightly opened window. I was in sweat but the heat didn't wake me up; No, something else did.

"Scratch... Scratch..." There came the sound again. I picked up my watch from the table straining my eyes to read the time. 2:16am. Whoever could be at the door at this unsocial hour and in such unceremonious manner?

From where I laid, I couldn't directly see the door. Danny, who was also not visible from my position, snored peacefully on the other bed in the other part of the large multiple room. Such a heavy sleeper for him not to have been aroused by now, being that his bed was closer to the door.

The sound got louder, "scratch...scratch."

Someone was obviously trying the lock. Then utter silence. The hair on my skin stood on end as I heard the door swing open. It was all I could do not to scream my head off. My lips gaped in fright, my eyes bulging out of their sockets, frozen and at a loss what to do.

The sound of heavy footsteps entering the room filtered into my ears. I couldn't hear Danny snoring anymore. The heavy footsteps stopped. Just then Danny gave out a loud cry and then "wham!" like the sound of blade against the wind slashing into flesh, I heard his body drop back upon the mattress. Then utter silence.

By now my body was soaked in cold sweat. I had been lying in the same position, lost and petrified. I figured I had to do something and real quick. As silently as possible, I got down and crept underneath the bed. The footsteps approached steadily, getting closer and closer. My eyes now being adapted to the faint moonlit room, I perceived the boots of the stranger as they approached from the corner and into my compartment. Then they stopped right at my bedside.

Just then, his feet moved back as he swiftly knelt down on the floor and there came the most horrendous and gruesome face staring back at me...

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