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(Soooo sorryyyyyy for taking so long to update this story, and I can't continue with the other  book until I'm done here. I will work on this one better untill this one is done, I promise!!!)

(Louis pov)

My phone rang on my way to Harrys home. It was my mum.
- Hi mum. Did something happend? I asks.
- No sweertheart, I just need you to come home right now.
- Why? you know that I'm going to Harry today.
- I'm sorry dear, but it seems like we have things to do. All of us, including you.
- Fine, I'll be home in 20 minutes. I sighn and cut of the conversation with my mum. I tell Harry that I need to get  hom, and he doesn't look worried or sad for that.
- Bye Harry. See you soon!! I shouted to Harry as we splitted up to go home.
- Bye Louis. I sure hopes so! he yells back at me. We wave one last time before we need to turn around and look where we are going. I can't stop thinking about what to do durring the summer vaccation. Going to the beach and swim with my sisters, maybe going to catch a movie with harry, I may get an answer from the X-factor. I send my video one week before I moved from Doncaster to this place and those that gets a chance will get a call next week frome someone that works there.

- LOUIS, YOUR FINALLY HOME!!!!!! four voicecs screams as I opens the front door. The twins are running for their lifes just to hug my legs as if their lifes depended on it, Fizzy and Lottie are hugging me higher up, almoust smashing my ribs and lungs.
- G-girls, w-what's g-g-going on??? I can barly speak because I can't get any air in my lungs.
- We are going to London for about two weeks!! Daisy says, excited like if that was her lifedream coming true. Pheobe was just as excited as Daisy, but she just squeezed my leg even harder. The twins are really strong for their age.
- Lou, why are you really, really red in the face?? Daisy asks, not that excided anymore.
- Can't breath, girls please!! I says with the last of my air. both Lottie and Fizzy lets go of me immediately with apolyizing faces.
- We're so sorry Louis, but we have been waiting sooo long for you to come home and then we just got so happy that you where home and didn't think what we where doing. Lottie says.
- It's okey, just take it easy and one at the time next time. I tell them. I pick up Pheobe that still was hugging my leg.
- Hi sweetheart, are you also excited like the rest of the girls? she nodds so fast and much that I almoust dropps her.
- I see, and everyone have packed their things? they all nodd at this one.
- And mum packet at me to?
- Yes she did. But only because there was four girls that didn't have the patience to wait until you was home and packed it your self. I turn around and sees my mum with my suitcase behind her.
- Mum, youre the sweetest mum anyone ever can have! I tell her. She blushes as crazy at it.
- Stop it. You just sayng that so that I may pack your suitcase whenever your going somewhere and need some clothes. I wave it away.
- I can do it my self, but you are just better at it than me.
- Maybe because I'm older than you and have done it a lot more times than you?
- You are older than me? Wellwell, there goes my chance to ask you out, my beautiful, mysterius stranger. I blink at her and she and the girls giggeld for a while
- What have I missed? my dads voice comes from behind my mum.
- Oh, nothing at all. Louis just said something funny to mum. the twins says and giggels a little more.
- Sounds like I missed something really good then. Well, are we all ready to go now?
- Yes, we just need to get Louis suitcase to the car. Then it's just to drive away. my dad takes the suitcase from her, kisses her on the cheek, and starts to walk down the stairs.
- Just a kiss on the cheek? Louis is much more romantic than that, more than you dad. Fizzy sais to him as he walks by her. He stares at her.
- Louis more romantic than me? Since when?
- Since he gotten a boyfriend. Daisy gossiping for dad. He looks at me.
- I didn't know about that. Why didn't anyone tell me that?
- You wheren't home dad. I didn't even know that you where home now.
- He came home really late last night, so you didn't see him since he was alseep when you left for school.
- Harry is really sweet and nice dad. says Pheobe.
- Yeah dad. Harry is pretty and nice. Daisy agree with Pheobe.
- Harry? Pretty? he looks at me for answers, but I'm not sure that I can tell him about Harry. Mum must have feelt it.
- Wasn't you going somewhere with that suitcase darling? she asks him for disrtaction. He shakes his head and leaves with my suitcase.
- Thanks mum.
- It's okey. You can tell him when your ready to do it. she leaves to, so now it's just me and my oldest sisters left.
- Come on Louis. It's time to go to London! they draggs me out of the house, locks the door, gets into the car, and off we go. To London with all the shops, shows, poeple and the X-factor. I really hopes that I get in, but I don't wanna leave Harry here if I get in. I should have told him about this, but now it's too late for that.

We have been here for almoust a week now. The girls have shoped like crazy every day, mum to. And they have used dad as a pack donky for their shopingbags and clothes that they wanna try on. I have been walking around the city, looking for the X-factor house, but I can't find it, so I'm with my family today. Luckely for me so aren't I used like my dad are by the girls. I'm free to go and do whatever I wanna do in the mall, as long as it's legal. I'm looking at the twins in their lates tried dresses. Daisy in blue and Pheobe in green. They look ardorable, Fizzy and Lottie have changed into black jeans, shirts with diffrent coulers, red and yellow, and one jacket each that are blue that they found one minute ago. I can feel my phone buss in my pocket. I think it's Harry, so I didn't look at the screen before answering.
- Hello honey. I'm sorry for not being home, but my ...     I got interrupted here by a mans voice, but it wasn't Harrys voice.
- Ehm, is this Mr. Louis Tomlinson that I'm talking to? he asks.
- Yes sir, that's me. Why are you calling me if I may ask? I asks politely. I'm blushing really hard since it wasn't Harry, and I was making myself look like a fool for the man on the other side of the conversation.
- I'm working at the X-factor and I have been trying to find you the past three days. If you still wanna be in the X-factor so is it the day after tomorrow audition at the house for them that are instrested. I can't belive it, I had teh chance to be in teh X-factor!! But what would I tell Harry? I will deal with that later, when I know if I make it or not.
- Of course I'm still intrested. When and where?
- The X-factor house and all day long. You will get a number where you signs up for audition. Have a nice day, bye. and with that, he hangs up on me. I stand still, still with my phone to my ear, with the silliest smile ever on my lips. I stands like that until my mum finds me and asks me why I'm smiling like an idiot and I just start laughing.
- I, I got in. I'm gonna be on TV for the X-factor in two days. I tell her. She gets really surprised, but then happy for me. I then remember that I kind of forgotten to tell my family about this.
- Guys, come here. Louis have good new to tell you. she makes everyone come so that can be happy about the news as well.
- I've forgotten to tell you guys this, but I sent a video to the X-factor, and I'm gonna audition in two days. And if I make it, I will be famous and a star in the whole country. I tell them. Lottie and Fizzy looks happy for me, the twins is a mix of happy, worried, and sad. My dad is only worried and sad.
- Congratulations Louis. Give everything you have big brother. Lottie and Fizzy says, both smiling really big. The twins are hugging my legs that painful again, like when I got home from school 6 and a half day ago.
- Don't go Louis. We'll miss you to much! Daisy cries with the biggest tears ever.
- We are happy for you, but you are our big brother, we want you around us everyday! Pheopbe says with big puppy dog eyes. My dad frees me from the twins arms and leads me away from the girls ans mum.
- Why don't you tell anyone what you're doing and why? he asks me. I can hear and feel the anger, sadness and worries in his question and body.
- I love to sing dad, it's a big part of my life, and this is the only way to find out if I can make a career of it. And i didn't tell anyone because you where all busy with your own stuff, and we where about to move, everyone was packing for that, and I didn't want anyone to try to stop me from doing it. I stare at him for a while. I know that he hates me singing and don't want me to be a singer, but I must se if I can because I really love singing. When he doesn't say anything so goes I back the rest of the family.

I spent my last day in the mal by buying myself a new pair of happy collared pants, a striped shirt and a pair of suspenders, before starting to think what I would sing, how to have my hair, and what to wear. I decided for a blue pair of jeans, a light blue shirt, light beige gardigan, a black tie and having my long fringe to my right. Yeah, I need a haircut soon!! I fall asleep with the knowlege that I will get everything I have tomorrow and be showing my best side to the juges.

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