7 : Jin the Asshole

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"Where is my morning drink y/n ?! " You heard a commanding voice coming from the office screaming your name alerting you as you rushed faster into the office.

"May I come in sir? " You knocked on the glass door and as you heard a hum you entered.

"Sir here is your iced half-caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4 pumps, sugar-free cinnamon, Dolce soy skinny latte. Just the way you like on Tuesdays " You said with a smile while partially fawning over how handsome he looked today in olive green coat contrasted with an off white floral printed shirt which complimented his warm-toned skin.

Even though he was panty-dropping handsome on the outside but was a very cruel boss and made you work way too hard. Sometimes it was a turn on but other times it could be a pain in the ass not cause of anal fuck but sitting for hours trying to recheck the file work cause according to your boss " No one can ever be too sure ".

"Well I hope you are rid of yesterday germs cause y/n I can't allow my handsome face to get all sick and red, " Your boss said strictly rubbing his chin with way too much confidence.

Yes, your boss was just not a strict one but also a cocky guy with so much self-confidence that he can walk around the city naked and won't feel shy for a second and will say "Damn y'all must feel blessed to see me in my naked glory ".

Sometimes it annoyed you like hell but could you say anything nope cause firstly he was your boss and secondly it would be a fucking lie if you think you are not charmed by him like you have had wet dreams of him taking you on the white wood table he works on so many times.

"Well y/n I know I have the looks of an angel but I hell ain't one so go get me the last file you were working on I wanna see the progress," Jin said irritated with the way you just stood and gaped at him.

His words brought you from your wonderland and you hurried out embarrassed and grabbed the file, flipping the pages for the last evaluation before it goes into the devil hands.

"How's his mood today huh? " Your Coworker nudged to ask you as he saw your face all red probably cause of having thoughts about your boss again. It was a miracle that nose bleeds had stopped now.

"Well, the same as usual Tae. He is acting like a fucking rude ass hot bitch " You said with a smile making Taehyung lips turn into a boxy grin as he nodded and went back to his cubicle to work which was just beside yours.

Taehyung was your office friend with whom you gossiped about how everyone at the office was so dumb or rude basically you back bitched with him, and it was such a relief to you like who doesn't like to back bitch about the company they work in.

Taehyung knew of your fantasies for Jin and himself admitted that he might turn gay for Jin.

"Well, then you should go and make sure you don't get punished for your work, or wait I think you would like to be punished " Taehyung smirked and spoke softly in your ear as you gave him a poker face and head into your boss office.

"Sir here is the file I have been working on it's work will be over by 1 pm  today. " You said assuringly.

"Fine that means you will get free by lunch come with me," Jin said blandly as he went back to working on his computer while pushing the rim of those sexy glasses back over his nose.

"Sir? "

"What? Don't ask many questions and just come with me " he said sternly making you nod as he handed you the file while gesturing you to go back your cubicle and work.


"Wanna have lunch y/n? " Taehyung asked you as you were finally finishing and putting all your work for submission.

"I can't Jin has invited me, can't say no to the boss"

"Sure," Taehyung said with a smirk and his tone completely teasing you making you roll your eyes and last time check whether your hair and face were fine.

You knocked on his office door as he came out instantly with a smile on his face.

"Let's go y/n "

Nodding you followed him to the elevator and into his car.

"Sir where are we going? " You asked finally as you saw him drive to the borders of the city.

"Well there is a really good restaurant opened and I wanna try it, " He said with a smile as his eyes met yours with warmth in it.

Well being shocked was an understatement.

Your boss was always a rude ass and suddenly he was being sugared sweet to you.

"Maybe he is driving to kill me! Shit! I should keep my pepper spray handy "

You thought as you tightly gripped your purse.

The roads weren't full of cars and were mostly empty making you weigh the options on as to how someone would save you if Jin tried to kill you.

"I guess I shouldn't have messed on that report last month I guess that's why Jin is planning to kill me " Your trail of thoughts was busy wondering what could be the reason Jin kill you or how could you save your self that you barely noticed him stopping the car and pulling the door open for you as you flinched, startled by him.

"Let's go y/n, we are here " You nodded and when you got off you saw a restaurant made of bamboo pipes with trees all around and a really small crowd.

You and Jin entered the place it had a minty smell with bamboo stick scent infused in the air making your racing heart relaxed.

A waitress soon approached you and handed you and Jin a bunch of keys.

Pointing to a room at the entrance she said
"Sir the locker room is where you can change out of your clothes there "

You instantly snapped your head facing Jin perplexed as to what the hell was happening.

But Jin was strangely calm and said " Let's get changed out these clothes y/n "

The way he spoke was too soft melodious and teasing that you felt like a rose bloomed in your stomach.

"What will we wear if we remove these clothes? " You asked, like hell you can't roam naked with your boss.

"Nothing "

Well fuck!

Well there r restaurants there where ppl eat sitting naked so 😏😏😏

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Well there r restaurants there where ppl eat sitting naked so 😏😏😏

See you soon!


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