Chapter 4 - Part 1

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A/N I know it has been quite a while and I am sorry. School had me so overworked and it will more than likely be harder next year with all of the AP classes I have, but here it is! And due to my rush of finishing, I decided this will be a two-parter, with the next part being longer. 

Joey awoke in a familiar place, but he believed it was a dream. One of the many that he hoped were real, that he desperately believed had some sort of truth. But they never were. Joey was done hoping for false realities. One where he was safe, his father was never an alcoholic, and his mother never left him. Ones where he had the man he wanted.

But it was always a dream.

"Mutt, are you awake," Joey heard Kaiba's voice and hope swelled in him. This was a dream, it was not reality. You idiot... Joey felt tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Mutt," Kaiba asked, panic setting in as he heard a sob emit from the left side of the bed.

"This is a dream and I don't want to wake up. Please.... Let me stay, I don't ever want to wake up." Kaiba felt his heart burst in pain, Joey's words hitting him deep. I should have found him sooner.... You are a failure... I should have... Kaiba shook his head, leaving his thoughts and moving to Joey. He set his hand on Joey's arm, then Joey stiffened, fear gripped him in its cold clutches.

"What if I told you this wasn't a dream," Kaiba said, his voice soft in a comforting way. But, his throat was clenching as he fought back tears. How could they do this to him?...

Joey froze. This isn't a dream, it is real... Kaiba saved me... Joey thought as the memories came back. First the bad: the multiple times he was raped and put on display, his pain clear to anyone that man invited. Then, the good memories: Kaiba walking in, saving him, and giving the police enough evidence for the man to go away for life, if they don't give him the death penalty.

"It isn't a dream, it isn't a DREAM!" Joey yelled and pounced at Kaiba, his arms outstretched and a grin evident on his face.

The two fell off the bed, landing on the floor. Kaiba felt pain shot through his head, as his head landed harshly on the floor.

"It isn't a dream..." Joey cried, his tears soaking into Kaiba's night shirt. Kaiba grabbed Joey's body and held him close, scared to let him go.

"Shhh... I got you, Puppy. I got you and I promise not to let you go," Kaiba whispered so lightly that Joey could barely hear his words. Just barely, but he did. And he couldn't be happier, as his heart swelled with a joy that he hadn't felt in a long while.

Joey laughed heartingly, choking on his tears a little, "Puppy... Is that a new name for me."

Kaiba blushed a crimson red before he answered, "Yes, you have these eyes that remind me of a dog and you are always so cheerful...."

Joey laughed and hugged the elder Kaiba tighter, trying to show how much he truly adored him.

Kaiba felt him hug tighter and tried to match him. He wanted the puppy to know how much he loved him and wanted to be with him.... How much I love you, you adorable mutt...

Joey and Kaiba just kept hugging each other, eventually turning it into a contest some time along the way. They both laughed as they loosened the tightness when they could no longer hold each other, their arms becoming tired and a little sore.

Mokuba heard the loving laughter that transpired between the two and decided to join them in Kaiba's room.

"Joey..." Mokuba said, the fear hitting when he saw Joey and he was tempted to run away. He didn't think that guilt could hurt this much. "I am sorry.... So very sorry, I am sorry, that- that I-I-I was a-a coward a-and that I left you all alone..." Mokuba said each word with sincerity and stuttered as the tears he tried so desperately to hold back came flowing down.

Joey moved from Kaiba's warm arms and embraced the younger male, his tears soaking into Joey's shirt, but he didn't care. All he wanted was for the tears that spilled from young Mokuba to stop, the guilt that hung over his head to dissipate.

"Mokuba... please stop crying... Don't cry over me..." Joey said, his words sad yet loving.

"B-But, I was a coward..." Mokuba said, his words muffled, but Joey heard him, almost as if he said it directly in his ear.

Joey moved the younger Kaiba, forcing him to look Joey directly in his eyes, "You are not a coward, Mokuba. You did the right thing, you chose the wisest choice. I can handle that pain Mokuba, I have since I was young, but I never want you to carry that pain with me."

Mokuba couldn't hold back his tears any longer, he grabbed a hold of Joey in a tightening death grip and sobbed into him. Joey wrapped his arms around Mokuba and felt a few tears of his own slip past his defenses.

Kaiba felt the pain of their encounter radiate from the two younger men. He, in all honesty, was unfamiliar of what happened during these occasions. He never cried in front of anyone and was uncomfortable watching the two people he cared about most cry so easily. He wanted to walk out of the room, so he could leave the awkwardness he felt in here, but he didn't want them to have the idea that he didn't care.

"Kaiba, come over here," Joey choked out, a little bit of laughter bubbling inside him. Joey was amused looking at the uncomfortable Kaiba. "You are meant to take us into your arms, richbags." Joey choked out his words, but not from his tears, it was from the laughter that kept boiling in him.

Kaiba felt relief wash over him, though he was upset that his puppy found his uncomfortableness amusing. But, he would pay him back later. Much later when he could release all of the frustrations in him.

Kaiba wrapped his arms around the two and held them as the sobs filled the room. Each sob that was emitted only made Kaiba hold them tighter, in hopes that the tears would stop sooner.

When the cries did stop, Joey kissed Mokuba's head and sent him to go and nap, since the younger Kaiba was tired from all of the tears. Joey then proceed to wrap his arms around Kaiba and kissed him right on the mouth. Kaiba was surprised, but he didn't want to pull away, in fact, he pulled his puppy more into his embrace.

"Kaiba, I don't think we can merge together," Joey laughed as the kiss was paused so the two could breathe.

"We can damn well try," Kaiba mumbled as his pants slowed and his cheeks lost the previous redness they had before.

Joey only chuckled and pecked Kaiba's lips before removing himself from the embrace. Come back... Kaiba internally whined, though his face remained stoic.

Joey clambered back onto the bed they were on and wrapped himself into a blanket burrito, before telling Kaiba to join him. Kaiba, though not expressing it, joyfully walked over to the puppy resting on his bed and layed next to him.

"Puppy, may I join you in there," Kaiba asked, allowing some of his emotions to slip into his tone. He watched as his puppy smiled brightly and chuckled before saying to "come in and get him."

Kaiba accepted the challenge with glee.

Kaiba wrapped his arms around Joey, before slowly slithering his hands into the cocoon that Joey has made and wrapping his surprisingly warm hand around his waist, squeezing at his love handles.

"I missed you warmth, puppy," Kaiba said, nesting his head into his puppy's shoulder.

Joey's grip on the blanket loosened as a deep blush coated his face. Kaiba noticed his beloved's blush and smiled. He was happy here with him. Joey was relaxed with him. That made Kaiba happy and overjoyed beyond belief.

"Why don't we relax today. I can leave work for today," Kaiba said, a smile resting on his face. Joey looked at his peaceful look and agreed.

Today, the two would relax and enjoy the presence of each other. 

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