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It was a desperate panic that took over my whole entire being. Dad reached out in an attempt to calm or comfort me, but I pushed him away gazing at the sight in front of me — we had made it to the archives by completing something utterly illegal. But suddenly as much as I knew that a part of me despised it, somehow it didn't matter anymore, I was going to save my friends and even more importantly Ahkmenrah. That was all that ever mattered anymore.

Unable to help myself I pushed past my father in a fluid movement, making sure I made it into storage first despite the annoyed look that stretched upon my father's face. I pulled the flashlight from my backpack, a glow-in-the-dark one that my father had given to me, switching it on allowing a bright beam of light to illuminate the packed crates as I followed dad. Shuffling along nervously behind my dad as we took a right we came to an odd opened space a long rectangular crate coming to view. While my dad seemed interested in knowing what was inside, I wanted to wander off and find Ahk. "Erm, Fey? Are you gonna just stand there and not help your father?" For a hesitant moment, I smiled, "It doesn't look hard, just undo the latch."

I laughed at my dad's sudden awkwardness but I jumped when a rosy red coloured tentacle flew out. I remembered the tim when my family was actually a family and we had gone to an aquarium – it was that moment in life that I disliked fish and rather anything to do with fish apart from Dolphins and Turtles, I still liked those two animals. I watched as my father stuffed the red tentacles back in the crate, jumpy knowing that precious time before the sunset was going to waste. I sighed deeply pulling on my father's stolen uniform sleeve and spoke pleadingly, "Please Dad, can we go find Ahk and the others?" There was a softening look in my father's eyes that I mirrored, "Alright Freya. Lead the way."

Continuing as I sped eagerly down the halls, suddenly alert and protective in a manner I knew that mirrored what Ramla used to do. For two brief seconds, I allowed myself to notice the Amelia Earhart wax statue covered in a murky sort of clear plastic. Notwithstanding the idea of wanting Ahkmenrah back more than anything else and also wanting my friends safe and the haunting idea of Kahmunrah being in the same building as me, this place was pretty cool.

I found myself in another room, but dad had managed to slip in before me this time which left me annoyed with my blood bubbling but as my flashlight shone, I was unable to comprehend the unsettling sight of what I saw in front of me. Oddly fashioned from wax, stood Egyptian guards similar to what I remembered from Ramla and Ahkmenrah's time but I felt my breath hitch when I saw him, my worst nightmare, the person who I believed to kill both Ahkmenrah and Ramla which was somehow myself too. "Oh my god," I muttered leaning into my father's arms for comfort as my bottom lip began to tremble.

Stashed away from the side was the familiar sarcophagus of Ahkmenrah and I forced myself not to let out a whimpering cry – clearly and thankfully the others were stashed away in the metal storage container, they would have time, unlike Ahkmenrah. The guards were stashed with spears and I knew that they would know how to use them. "Freya just breathe, stand by Ahk if you need too. I am getting the tablet." Unable to fight the tears that came to my eyes as I comfortably leant against Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus, I was unable to tear my eyes away from Kahmunrah. I knew that as long as Ahkmenrah was sealed away in his sarcophagus he would be safer as the tablet was in the storage container.

Knowing that I would doubtlessly have to protect Ahkmenrah from this bloodthirsty monster, I examined the room and as much as I tried to recall tactics and situations, I had to distract and assure myself that I would make it out alive, but with my father, my friends and Ahkmenrah by side. I had never thought of myself as a killer, but if it came to it I would not hesitate to kill Kahmunrah – not out of revenge but out of love, just like Ramla although she wasn't successful this second chance would not be wasted.

Be careful Freya, you know what he will do.

I blinked in shock, unable to believe the voice in my mind. It was thick in an accent, but I recognised the voice, my own voice from thousands of years ago and yet it was Ramla's. I had never needed Ahkmenrah more than I had needed him in my life but I had questions, so many questions but somehow stirred deep within myself I knew the answer. Dad looked down at his watch and back at me, a thin smile stretched upon his face as he looked at Kahmunrah who did seem a bit older than I remembered. "It's who I think it is, isn't it?"

I shook and I knew that my face had paled, "Yes that's Kahmunrah...," I found myself unable to say anything else as I knew that I was slowly drifting away but I was somehow still sort of there. Instead, it flashed before my eyes, images not exactly a memory. The knife, burning pain, red crimson blood flowing from my abdomen, a wicked grin, subtle darkness... I stood strong, gathering the courage to move away from Ahkmenrah and his sarcophagus, ignoring the stinging pain at my abdomen reminded of my birthmark on that very spot, snatching a spear from the guard knowing that I could defend myself with it.

A bright illuminating glow flashed over my eyes, a gut-wrenching disappointment filled my bones as I helplessly watched my father mutter a no as the tablet brought everything to life. Ahkmenrah screamed behind me in his sarcophagus as I helplessly let it rattle, unable to set Ahk free knowing that he would be in even more danger.

"Who are you?" I watched Kahmunrah ask his voice bringing goosebumps to my skin and made my blood boil as my father who clutched the tablet tightly. My father didn't understand as Kahmunrah used a variety of languages to communicate to my poor father with and somehow not yet, they had noticed me until my father looked over at me. Kahmunrah followed his gaze and dark, monstrous eyes met my own. With a look of disgust and hate, I found Kahmunrah spitting my old name and I shifted into a defensive position, "Ramla."

I was unable to say a word, and somehow as it didn't seem possible Ahkemrah's scream grew louder. "Of course, silly of me to forget, since I had come back to life. Your undying love for my little brother is so strong that my father, a terrible excuse for one that is – using the magic of the tablet allowed you to protect little Ahkmen forever."

Kahmunrah walked stiffly over to me, although his guards seemed to dislike it. I sharred a hard glance with my father. "Freya? What's going on?" Dad muttered being hold back against the guards. I clutched the wooden staff harder, my knuckles growing white. "Ah that's what we speak English is it? Lovely, hm... I can see the resemblance, your father in this life perhaps. Isn't that right Ramla? — and in this life your name is Freya."

Then Kahmunrah laughed darkly and I knew that I hadn't masked my emotions as well as I should have, "Now if you do not do what I wish, I will not just kill Ahkmenrah all over again but your mortal father. You might as well drop the staff." Knowing I had no choice I dropped the staff as Kahmunrah stepped even closer, his large rather tanned hands reaching out for my chin as I looked towards the floor my head bowed. Mercy — that what this was, I had to beg for mercy and think of something.

Kahmunrah examined, his forefinger caught under my chin, forcing myself to meet his eyesz A dark, terrifying grin stretched upon his lips and undoubtedly this was going to be the longest night of my life, "We are going to have so much fun, dear Ramla." Behind me, Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus trembled as he let out a blood curdling scream because I think Ahk and I both knew what was coming.

EDITED: 24th of December 2019

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐎𝐇'𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐁 ── AHKMENRAHWhere stories live. Discover now