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There was so much I should have been more attentive too. I was so stupidly distracted by the fact his large warm hand was intertwined with my own as we discretely moved across the art gallery. A masculine French accent filled my ears and a violent shiver ran down my spine. Then I could hear my father's voice rambling about something and then there was also an accented feminine voice –– was she from Kansas? What the hell was going on?

"Ahk," I whispered maniacally as my eyes searched frantically around for some sort of option or escape route. As I peered over the edge of the blue painted wall I saw that my dad and the woman who was dressed like a pilot were surrounded by a group of men in military uniforms from what I guessed the 18th century.

"This way or you die!" The little man yelled at my father and who from the corner of his eye saw me and winked. It provided me with no sense of assurance whatsoever. "Yes. . . ," My dad spoke with a nervous smile.

The french man was babbling about his great plan or something until he drew a knife. From the corner of my eye I saw it, red metal against the contrast of the blue. Perfect. As soon as I began to move in it's direction to save my father, Ahkmenrah stopped me and pulled me into him, his arms locking around me secuarliy. "Think about this," He whispered. "Freya you can't take down all of those men. Not with all those. . . weapons they have."

"But my dad! Doesn't he matter? Of course I can do it –– just because it was the. . . ," My voice grew softer, "the way I died doesn't mean anything. You know how good I am, I was one of the best. Why else would I have been chosen by your father to protect and serve you hmm?"

Ahkmenrah's face grew twisted at my words and instantly I felt horrible. He chewed at the inside of his cheek, his green eyes far away but all that fell away instantly when he spoke, "As your pharaoh, I command you not to leave my side for the rest of the night." I let out a gasp of surprise. Firstly, I couldn't remember a moment when we had ever spoken to each other like this. Secondly, he had never used his title so seriously before against me. And most of all his words put a divide between my duty and my heart. I could feel my eyes glisten with tears as I yanked my hand from his grip.

"Why would. . . y-you. . .how could you do that?!" I yelled, the volume of my voice echoing throughout the gallery no longer a mere whisper. I would have no choice to obey him. "I won't loose you," He whispered, his voice raw and apologetic. His eyes met my own and they were misty. "You have to understand. But we will get your father back. Everyone. I promise. But I won't loose you."

I stalked off over to the woman, my wiping the tears from my eyes, "Hey miss!" The pilot dressed woman with the one I noticed before turned around. Recognition flooded through me. She was Amelia Earhart. I was flooded with nothing but respect for her. She studied me silently and then turned to face Ahkmenrah, I coulde see her eyes widening and then there was recognition within her gaze. "The ace's daughter and the pharaoh." Her words were filled with relief and comfort, I tried to smile but I knew I failed as I spoke, "That's us!"


My eyes darted around from the corner of my eye and there he was in the distance. A blurr of navy blue. I got to my feet, before I realised and ran towards my dad and threw my arms around him, Ahkmenrah and Amelia Earhart at my heels. "Are you alright dad?" I muttered with relief. Dad smiled but I realised there was a deep worry within his expression. I let him go and turned to meet Ahkmenrah's gaze. I hoped he saw the apologetic look in my gaze, Ahkmenrah winked. I tried to hide my smile, by biting on my bottom lip. There was an instant horrified look on my fathers face.

"We've all been worried sick! I tell you!" Amelia admitted, there was no denying of the worry in her voice. I mean she was nothing but right. "I'm fine," Dad assured us and handed the tablet to Ahkmenrah with warry eyes. He looked between Ahkmenrah and me. I think after all this time, dad had noticed that there was something that wasn't adding up about me. He must be so confused about our confrontation with Kuhmunrah before.

"Ahk," He began, "Can you translate it?" Ahkmenrah looked at it for a few moments and then smiled a little bashfully. "Of course, it's my tablet, isn't it? I could do it with my eyes closed. Why do you ask?"

"Kahmunrah has Jed," Dad answered simply. I felt my chest tighten. No.

Dad looked at me cautiously, "He mentioned you Freya but he was calling you Ramla. Why is that? Before when I. . . I don't understand." For a moment I said nothing, purely at a loss for words. There was so much to explain, so much to tell. I had been expecting this question for a while but it felt strange. I found myself looking to Ahkmenrah for guidance. He gave an approving nod.

"It's a long story, but, well, I'm basically Ahkmenrah's guardian from thousands of years ago. Just reincarnated, I think. Around the time you got the job as a night guard at the museum, I've had dreams and visions about Ahkmenrah and before."

"How come you never told me?" Dad protested, his face was slightly hurt and it brought a slight amount of regret. Amelia laughed at my father and nudged my father's shoulders with hers, answering before I could, "Can't you see that they are in love? It's quite romantic, ace. I'll bet it's a wonderful story."

Dad's face paled considerably, almost as white as porcelain and the expression on he face like he had bitten into a sour lemon. I blushed furiously, realising this I forced myself to be composed, dawning myself with the facade I once used so often. There was an ancient fear, that gripped its hooks in my heart.

It is to always to be kept a secret.

Ahkmenrah's hand wrapped around my own and gave it a gentle squeeze, in attempt to comfort to comfort me. Somehow, in some miracious way he knew that it was just what I needed. I couldn't remember a time where I had felt so exposed, but thinking of it now, there was a moment that mirrored this. I remembered when Pharaoh Merenkahre called me into the throne room.

This forbidden desire must not be put in front of your duty. Ahkmenrah has his and you have yours, if you truely love him you will do what I ask.

"Alright. . . ," Dad said with a wince while glancing at me and Ahkmenrah, I knew it would have been a lot to take in, "Let's find a place for Ahkmenrah to translate this and we'll go rescue Jed and everyone else. I have a meeting at Walmart in the morning."

"Jeez, the whole world is going to end if you miss one meeting!" I said with a laugh but no one really had my sense of humour, while I trailed after my father. Ahkmenrah looked at me with a slight smile, although his expression was puzzled, dad looked at me with a slight annoyance and poor Amelia was confused. If Nicky was here, he would have been dying of laughter.

I trailed after my father and Amelia, Ahk's hand still in my own as we moved across an open room, centred with a beautiful water fountain and towards an exit door that led to outside. I just hoped that everything would work out because I wouldn't know what I'd do if it didn't.

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author's note: hello lovelies! i hope you enjoyed the chapter, even if i'm not really that happy with it. now, as you've might have noticed there have been a few changes within the story. due to the fact our favourite pharaoh being in this section of the story, when he originally wasn't in the movie has had some changes to the storyline. but i don't think it will effect it that much. i've finally written a few chapters ahead so, i can update to my original schedule of once a week (on fridays) like i used to a long while back. also, i'd like thank you all for being so amazingly supportive and patient with me. i hope you're all well during these crazy times. until the next chapter, maddy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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