Quirk Analyzation & Internships

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Izuku walked along slowly to the Sports Festival, he had plenty of time before it started. He wore a black suit vest with red long sleeves and red tie, black shined shoes, and finally black gloves. All which were gifted to him by Kurogiri for his official first villain act. He also wore a black scarf to try and cover his face and red contact lenses so he wouldn't be recognised by anyone. Sometimes when he went out he would see his mother out searching for him. It seemed that despite all the time that had passed she believed he was still alive.

Whenever he did see her he always felt guilty for leaving her without an explanation. He also occasionally felt the urge to walk over to her and come back home but he always held it back. He remembered why he left, that 'home' of his was part of the very society that rejected him, he didn't belong there, not anymore. Besides Inko was safer without him in her life, though he figured she was very lonely since his father went off to work in some other country shortly after he was born and hadn't been heard from since.

'Pull yourself together. You've got a mission to do,' he thought.

Two nights ago he was given a mission by Sensei to go to the Sports Festival and analyze the quirks of the students participating. According to Sensei they were likely to become future enemies of the League so it was best to have knowledge on their abilities beforehand, although, Izuku got the feeling they were looking for potential members, or at least worthy quirks for Sensei to steal.

Izuku was surprised when he learned what Sensei's quirk was, he had never heard of someone being able to give others quirks before. He was only told about it because he needed to explain about All Might's quirk, which came from him. He didn't go into much detail about it though, he didn't want explain his past, or so it seemed.

Izuku continued to the Festival with his leather satchel full of notebooks, seven to be precise. He was going to be recording like crazy.

XxX UA Staff From XxX

All Might was sitting alone getting ready for the Festival. He would be expected to make an appearance towards the end to present the medals to the victors. This would also be a good chance to look for a successor. This was more necessary than before since his allotted time to use One For All had been reduced to fifty minutes from his battle with Nomu.

However his mind was focused on another matter. He had spoken to Naomasa about seeing the list of quirkless people who had promised that he would be able to see it. Surprisingly enough the Government didn't place much security around or care who looked at it, which All Might found strange.

Naomasa would be coming next week to talk with him as he still had a lot of work to do. All Might didn't mind though, he knew how busy his job was. While he didn't want to believe it he had to consider the possibility that the boy he'd met nearly a year ago was Outcast. They seemed so similar. If he was then it was most likely his fault for the boy's transformation. That meant he had to be the one to fix it.

However, despite his assault on Young Bakugo,
Outcast had displayed certain qualities of a hero from what he had seen and heard of him. That meant that there was still hope.

"I will find out the truth," he swore. "If you are
Outcast then I will stop you, and I will save you."

XxX Several Hours Later with Izuku XxX

Izuku had been recording what he saw like a madman. Throughout the first and second rounds he watched each of the competitors use their quirks and analysed them which wasn't very difficult. He was also able to keep up thanks to the monitors as he wasn't that fast at recording.

It was the rounds of combat that he watched intently, the competitors that had made it that far were the most skilled and dangerous. Most of the lA group not surprisingly Katsuki included had made it to this round. Izuku knew each of them of course, he had looked at the list from the Unforeseen Simulation Joint enough to remember their faces. Some however stood out more than others. Shoto Todoroki was the son of the infamous hero Endeavor and possessed a quirk that allowed him to manipulate ice. Although from what Izuku had seen he clearly had inherited his father's quirk as well, though he appeared reluctant, more like repulsed, to use it, though he didn't know why. The other was Tenya lida. Izuku recognised his family name as the one who embodied the Turbo Hero Ingenium, his quirk only added further proof.

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