The Villain Attack, The Awakening, & UA's Future Recruitment!

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Naomasa was outside Izuku's hospital room listening in on him and Inko. So far all he had heard was Inko crying and sobbing from being reunited with her missing son again. After about a minute Inko released her son from the embrace and just stared at him, tears still streaming down her face. Izuku returned her stare, still crying at seeing her again.

"You look different," she sniffled. "Did you dye your hair? You definitely cut it. You have so many scars, my poor baby..." she said as she stared at his shirtless form, he was very fit, but he had so many terrible scars on him, especially the one on his forehead.

"Yeah. I did it to make myself less recognizable," Izuku responded. "You look different as well. You've lost weight, the suit looks great on you."

Inko stared down at the floor.

"I was out looking for you, my eating habits became disrupted and well, this is the result," she explained. "As for the suit-"

"I know." He said as she looked up. "The fundraisers, the commercials, the protests, the marching, and even the heroes who've helped you by standing by your side... I saw all of it. You looked... unstoppable." He said proudly as the woman smiled. "I attended some of those events in the crowd, disguised obviously." He admitted. Inko's eyes shot wide open immediately. She hadn't expected her son to have seen her out. That meant he was a lot closer than she thought. She still couldn't imagine why he would stay away from her.

"T-Then why didn't yo-" Inko started before Izuku cut her off.

"The same reason I left," he said. He knew she was going to ask these questions, he still wasn't ready though. He didn't know or understand why but he wasn't sure about telling his mother about everything he went through. She wasn't like the other people he had told so far. He knew her, he knew exactly how she would react if she learned the truth.

"Why?" Inko asked in a low voice that sounded almost like a whisper in the air. "Why did you leave? What were you planning to do that night? Why were you with villains?"
Izuku remained silent. He couldn't even look at her face. "Izuku please," Inko begged softly, tears falling again down their face. "I deserve to know." He knew she was right and he hated it. Part of him wanted to tell her but another part of him was too scared to... But... She deserved the truth, all of it.

"It's complicated," he said softly. Inko wasn't fazed however.

"Tell me." She whispered.

"Well it's like this," Izuku started. He stopped when he heard a loud noise beneath him that made the ground shake. He heard another sound just like it further away, there was rumbling also.

"What on earth?" Inko said in a bewildered tone. The detective came rushing back in to see that things were alright, and to make sure Izuku hadn't tried anything. Izuku heard a car alarm starting to blare before it got louder and louder until he remembered something.

He wasn't on the first floor.

Everyone noticed where Izuku was looking. How pale his face had turned. Suddenly a familiar object shot to the window as everyone felt their hearts stop.

"MOM RUN!!!" Izuku shouted at the top of his lungs. It was the first time Izuku had ever yelled at his mother, something which shocked her. The detective had a different reaction. Quickly pulling the woman to the door for her safety, Naomasa moved quickly towards Izuku. It was too late though. The cop car smashed through the window of Izuku's room sending Inko, the detective, and Izuku falling sideways from his cuffed bed as debris shot over their head as concrete, dust, and smoke clouded the room. Inko screamed for her son while Naomasa had quickly scrambled to his feet as he found Izuku still tied down on his bed but fell on the side, he rushed to the boy and tried to undo the handcuffs, Izuku saw a shadow dash across the walls of the room thanks to the sun's position. The brave detective soon found an enormous figure staring down at him from the ledge of the destroyed wall before a muscular arm reached forward and tore the car out of the room.

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