The Killing Blow & The Reunion

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"Sensei!" Izuku shouted as he resisted the pulling force of the portal as he stabbed his sword on the floor, the gate closed an he felt the pull no more. "Sensei-" Izuku called out again but he was forced to avoid a blow from the one known as Gran Torino. "Damn you!" Izuku hissed as he twirled the wakizashi around before going into a stance by holding his sword above his head, while beckoning the old man in yellow to attack.

Izuku eyes narrowed when the man disappeared from his sight, but to his opponents shock, Izuku easily matched his speed as he too disappeared.

XxX With AU Might And AU For One XxX

"What on earth?" All for One said. "You brought that old mutt with you. Are you that desperate to capture him?"

"Yes, I came here to retrieve Izuku from your evil clutches," All Might retorted. "Gran Torino should be capturing him any moment now!" All Might exclaimed.

"I wouldn't underestimate that boy." All For One said, All Might could literally feel the smirk plastered on his face. Suddenly, All Might felt a bead of sweat rolling down his eyebrow, for some reason he did not believe he was bluffing.

"Sensei don't worry about me," Izuku shouted. "Just focus on defeating All Might. I can handle this old fat!" The two powerhouses looked at Outcast and Gran Torino as they parted ways, All Might felt his heart drop when he watched his old Sensei fall onto a knee, clutching a deep gash in his arm, which was quickly drenching his suit, Izuku had a tiny wound compared to his opponent as Izuku simply wiped away at the busted lip.

"Very well, I'll leave it to you," Sensei replied.
All might however, couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You're just going to leave him to fend for himself!?" he yelled.

"I, unlike you, have faith in his abilities," All For One declared. "I know he can handle this and he will. So please, stop pretending to care about him when all you're really trying to do is correct a mistake, probably the biggest of your life, you've made." The two rivals began exchanging blows of strength with each other. They caused shockwaves but none of them were affecting Izuku, Gran Torino, or the heroes All for One defeated earlier.

"You destroyed all my comrades so you could become the magnificent Symbol of Peace. How's the view from standing over a bunch of defeated bodies? Its nice right," All for One taunted. He prepared to use the quirk combination from before. All Might was ready for it this time though. He cancelled it with a 'Detroit Smash', the impact of which forced them both back. "I'm not going to let you fight as freely as you want. Heroes like you always have something that needs protecting," All for One stated.

"Just shut up!" All Might shouted. "That's how you always toy with others. You break them, steal from them, use them, and rule over them! All while you mock them from your throne." All Might then dashed forward with immense speed. So much that his enemy couldn't react. "I will never allow such evil to continue existing!" he said as he smashed through All For One's mask, revealing the scarred, faceless man inside.

"SENSEI!!!" Izuku roared as he tried to get past Gran Torino, but despite his wound the man could still move as he got in his way. "Out of my way old man!" Izuku shouted as he rushed at the elderly and tried to slash him again but Izuku was surprised when he leaped up and literally vaulted over his sword swipe before delivering a roundhouse kick. Izuku's head snapped to the side as blood flew into the air, but just as quickly as Tornio's kick, his head snapped back and glared at the old man heatedly. "Out. Of. My. WAY!" Izuku bellowed as he rushed forward.

"Such beautiful words All Might. Unfortunately, I've heard them all before, from your predecessor, Nana Shimura," All For One replied weakly. Upon hearing his masters name All Might became enraged. He tried to attack his enemy again but he was blasted by a weaker version of that quirk combination. As the massive man sailed across the air, he smashed into a tinier man whom he quickly recognized as Gran Torino, latching onto the small man quickly, All Might landed while clutching the man between his arms, blood drenching the Symbol of Peace. Despite the blood lost, the old man was still kicking as he berated All Might for losing his temper and reasoned that he needed to stay calm in order to win.

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