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Izuku arrived back at the bar only to see Dabi and Toga exiting. Dabi wore the same emotionless expression but Toga was jumping up and down with excitement. They nearly bumped into Izuku.

"Well we've officially joined," Dabi announced. "It seems as if the one you refer as 'Sensei' gave him a talking. He was forced to accept. But that kid is something though, a world without All Might?" He chuckled at the last bit. He also caught the roughed up look Izuku had but said nothing.

"I'm looking forward to working with you," Toga said enthusiastically. "I hope we can get a little bit more friendlier, if you catch my drift." Toga said seductively as Izuku blushed and nodded. Toga just giggled at this. So far Izuku was liking Dabi and Toga, so far. Nothing more was spoken between them. The duo then moved off down the stairs and were gone.

Izuku walked into the bar and was surprised to find All For One there, alone, waiting for him most likely as Izuku gulped. He knew for a fact he was in trouble this time.

"Izuku." All For One began causing him to shrink in fear, he never ever used his first name. "I saw and heard what happened today at the shopping center..." Izuku eyes widen at that, how he hell-

"You nearly got captured and blew your cover." All For One stood up as he approached the boy who looked up at the man in slight fear. "..." placing his hand on the boy's shoulder he watched him flinch as he looked down at the floor. "You did exceptionally well today." Izuku's head shot up as All For One mentally cringed at hearing the boy's neck pop from the sheer speed.

"W-what? You're not m-mad." Izuku mentally cursed his stutter but he couldn't help it! This was the man who took him in! The one who made him who he was today.

"No! Far from it! I saw the entire battle and you managed to hold back most of the students from the class lA, this is very much a win in your books'" The man suddenly turned on a TV with a remote as
Izuku found the news talking about him. Someone seemed to have hacked the surveillance system and leaked out the attack onto a random news outlets, showing him take on most of the students who managed to try and attack him while the rest evacuated the site. A rough sketch appeared of him with his mask as it reported to immediately call on any pro hero in the area. "You must be tired, go ahead and rest, I know those formula Kyojin supplies you with don't truly recover you from exhaustion." Izuku nodded slowly as he was still unsure about all of it. "Would you prefer for me to punish you?" He asked as Izuku shook his head before darting off.

XxX The Next Day XxX

Izuku had no intention of checking in for Tomura's mission. He had his run in with the students already. While walking he saw Dabi leaning against the wall outside.

Of all the new recruits Tomura had gathered Dabi was the one Izuku got along with the most. He was also the one Izuku interacted with the most. He didn't seem like a bad person though he didn't have the best manners. Toga who was also a very cheerful person went a bit borderline psycho, but he was greatly influenced by her womanly charms and seduction as he wished he was taught some sort of self defense against girls.

He interacted with the other members of the League as well. Twice and Compress seemed nice but ones such as Moonfish and Muscular were complete psychopaths. Toga's primary reason for being in the League was that her life was too hard and she wanted to make it easier to live in this world. The other members also had their reasons for being in the League, some tragic, some noble and some pure evil. Izuku had a little bit of information on each of them. These interactions happened rarely though since he was always busy with working out and
Quirk analyzing.

"Good evening," Dabi greeted him in a dull tone.

"Hello Dabi," Izuku replied. "How's things? Are you getting ready for the mission?" Dabi grinned. He too found Izuku easier to get along with than most of the League. Once when they were talking he asked about Izuku's encounter with Stain which the latter explained in great detail. It seemed that the Hero-Killer was nobler than he thought which was why he was going to work even harder to carry out his will.

Izuku: Anti-Hero (Re-upload)Where stories live. Discover now