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Hello everyone!

I am back with the next update...

Here u go!



Scene opens with ragini coming out of the washroom...

She goes to the balcony and closes her eyes...


She shoot opens her eyes to find none...

"how can I live with ur memories haan?...I hate u..I hate u for leaving me... "

She controls her tears before they form in her eyes...

And she happens to see lucky in his balcony making weird faces at a small girl crying opposite their house and makes her smile...

"impulsive, handsome, confused hone ke saath saath cute bhi ho....

Interesting...!!! "

Ragini smiles...


Scene opens in laksh room...

He will be doing something in his laptop... And gets excited...

"after this deal gets over, I am all free... Dad has promised me for my Europe trip for 1 month...

Aww! I am so excited... And will be away from this boring office... "

He laughs and will be dancing madly with his room door open...

Ragini who was passing his room looks him and laughs loudly....

And thinks "crazy bhii...."

Laksh comes to his sense and glares her...While she stops laughing and bends her head...

He fumes at her...

She turns to go while he calls her..."hey you! Stop there... "

She pouts and turns to him...doesnt he know my name?

"My name is ragini... " she says with attitude...

He raises his eyebrow like so what...

"look! This is my house... My room... My dance... U have no right to laugh at me...

U are here just to study... Okk! "

He says that and shuts the door...

While she opens her mouth in O... "how rude...! "

She kicks his door and goes away... "jerk bhii "


Scene opens in the dining hall...

"aunty bas... I can't eat so much... " ragini will be pleading while ap will be feeding her...

Lucky gets fed up with this...

"mom! Why r u feeding her as if she is a baby...

She can eat by herself... " and rolls his eyes...

Ragini's pov...

What's wrong with this guy!
He talks sweetly with everyone except me...

Is he angry? Is he jealous?

She twists her lips...

"chup kar lucky! As if I have not fed u...

I always feed u when ur dad scolds u and u skip food... "

Oh My Groom...!!! 😍      (completed) Where stories live. Discover now