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Hello everyone!

I am back with the next update...

Second update of the day.😀
Hope u have checked part4


Scene opens with ragini singing a song sitting on stairs...

"beautiful voice... " she hears him

She feels happy and turns to find him speaking over the phone...

"beautiful voice dear... "

She frowns at that...

"dear? I will tell uncle wait..
Uncle.... "

"shut up u idiot... "

She pouts...

"arrey not for u baby... There is a devil standing In front of me.

Wait will continue in my room... "

Saying that he goes away...

Ragini feels bad... And falls on her bed...

"what's happening with me...Why can't I take his ignorance... Who was None to me months ago...

In fact, he is no one now also...

She pouts...

I agreed to come here just for dad and dp uncle... I had made a full proof plan to reject him and go back...

But...but... I fell for him... At first sight only... 😄

How can I not?

He is such a charming, handsome creature... He is so good to everyone on the earth except me...

Kya bigaada hai maine...

And I have fallen for him to such an extent that I am cursing myself for keeping those conditions...

Y ragini! Y... Apna gadda kudhi thodli...

Warna, we would be married now... Arranged marriage...

She goes into fb....

Scene opens with ragini returning from London after her degree...

She got the shock of her life when she gets to know that her dad shekar is on the death bed...

He was seriously injured in an accident and was staying in rampur spending his last days of life...

She had none except him... Her mom left her the day she born...

So, she never celebrated her B-Day...shekar was the only one for her... And now, him too...

Shekar calls her to him...


"what is this shekar...! U r leaving me... Take me also
with u... I don't want to live... " she keeps screaming.

He forwards his hand...
She looks at that confused...

"promise me... "

"haan promise... "

"promise me that u won't break down remembering me...

And u will do whatever Dp says... "

That was a shock to her... He is snatching her right to cry over him ...

"dad! "

"call me shekar... One last time..."

"she... Shekar "

Oh My Groom...!!! 😍      (completed) Where stories live. Discover now