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Hello everyone!

I am back with the next update...


Next day...

Morning in MM...

Scene opens in lucky waiting for her in the car...

Dp and ragini come there...

Ragini was about to sit dp stops...

"u can go by other car princess... " Dp smirks...

Lucky opens his mouth in O...

"dad! I ll be there with her... Trust me... "

Dp "that's what! I am scared of u only... "

Lucky glares Dp while ragini will be enjoying the show she had missed these days...

"yaar dad! I am her fiancee okk... I know to take care of her... "

He starts the car... And she sits...

"Papa! U don't worry... I know kungfu...

Yeeeeeyaaaaaa.... " she makes some movements while lucky drives away...

"lucky.... "

"hmm... "

"talk something... "

"hmm... "

He  keeps driving ignoring her...

She starts hitting him...

"ouch... Chudail. "

She smiles at that...

While he too laughs and kisses her hand...

"dare u team up with taklu."

She hits his head...

"aaaah...Bhoothni... "

She twists her lips and turn other side...While he kisses her cheek...

She blushes...


Days roll over...

They were enjoying each other's company...

They were enemies turned friends turned lovers turned couples now...

And their love kept on increasing...

It was raksha bandhan...

Ragini ties rakhi to all her bhayyas including sanky...

And scene opens in the college where lucky makes every girl tie rakhi to him stating that...

"girls! I am engaged and my girl doesn't like anyone to admire me... So, aaj Se, I am ur brother... "

All girls tie him rakhi crying...

"sir! Ragini has not tied... "

Now raglak widen their eyes...

"I don't want that idiot girl to tie me rakhi... "

He says but ragini fumes on him for calling her idiot...

He finally pulls her to him and says... "guys! She is only that lucky girl to get this lucky! "

"wooooow... " everyone exclaims...

"sir! U both were in relationship since when...? "
Vishal asks...

Lucky looks at ragini and puts her hair back...

Oh My Groom...!!! 😍      (completed) Where stories live. Discover now