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Hellooooo everyone...

I am back with the next update...



Scene opens with Omi dropping lucky at the main gate...

Lucky enters the house all drunk...

He keeps swaying here and there...

And starts kicking in air as if starting the bike...

"broom... Broom... y my bike is not starting... "

The security slaps his forehead...

"malik! There is no petrol in ur bike... "

"oh no! How shall I go till my room... " he keeps finger on his chin...

The security balances him till the sofa...

"Hey security! Don't forget to park my bike okk...I need to take my darling in that.. "

Security just nods...

Lucky will be looking around...

"wo... sab mujhe chodkar kaha chale gaye... "

"maalik! Elders have gone for a wedding...

While sanskar sir has gone Delhi to meet his friend... "

"hmm... " he starts tearing.

"Malik! Why did u drink... U never had the habit right..."

He slaps him... "I am not drunk... Drinking is injurious to health... Don't u know idiot... "

"han han malik... "

Lucky pouts... "but I drank today... "

"Y? "

"That idiot OMI said its the only medicine to forget our pain... "

He starts to wipe his tears...

That security looks at him confused...

And goes away...

Later, lakshya climbs till his room singing "ek dho teen..." song..

And finally lays on the bed... On his stomach...


Scene opens in ragini room.

She was sleeping peacefully... Her sleep gets disturbed with giggling sound..

"he he he... He he he... "

She switches on the light to see drunk lakshya leaning to the door...

He comes to her... She was about to get up while he makes her sleep...

"ssh! Baby u just sleep... I have come to see u...That's all... "

"lucky!!! "

"ssh!" he closes her eyes...

"are u drunk? "

He nods in no multiple times...

"u look hurt... Tell me who hurt u... "

"U... " he starts crying...

She looks at him confused and gets up...

While he pushes her to bed with blanket covering her face...

"what u doing lucky? When did I hurt u... "

He sobs "u r not being with me since sanky has come...

Oh My Groom...!!! 😍      (completed) Where stories live. Discover now