Good Bye 👋

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Hey guys!

I am back with the good bye part...

Hope u all read the 'epilogue ' posted yesterday...


Months roll over...

Raglak had come back from the world trip...

They enjoyed so much being with each other...

But they still keep fighting, irritating, loving each other...

Scene opens in raglak room.

They were sleeping in each other embrace and sun rays were disturbing ragini's sleep...

She was snuggling more into lucky's chest...

He smiles and wakes up at that...

"happy anniversary princess... "

She smiles... "same to u my groom... "

He laughs at that...

It was their first wedding anniversary...

They take AP and Dp blessing and go to temple...

Lucky takes her somewhere blindfolded...

"lucky! Where are we going? "

"patience baccha... "

And he takes her to his office...

She opens her blindfold...

"office? unromantic! "

She pouts and sits on the couch...

He smiles and lifts her to a chair and makes her sit...

"lucky... " and she reads the name plate...

"Ragini L Maheshwari...
MD... Gadodia exports... "

She looks at him shocked...

"but lucky! What's the need. Gadodias and maheshwari are tied up now...

And u r there to look after naa... "

"and u are here to look after me naa... "

That's when she realises that it is his cabin too...

Just the tables are separate.

"lucky... "

"plz princess! It was shekar uncle dream... "

She looks at him surprised and smiles finally... "thank u... "

"u r welcome... By the way, I did all these for me...

So, I can be with u even in the office... "

She narrows her eyes at him...

While he kisses her cheek...

Months roll over...

Raglak will be walking in the park hand in hand...

Both sit at the bench but ragini feels some one gaze on her...

She feels weird and turns to see a cute 2 yr old boy staring her with finger in his mouth...

She smiles at him while he too smiles at her...

She makes faces at him while he too returns the same...

Both laugh...

Lucky who was doing something in the phone look up to see his baccha playing with another baccha...

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