Chapter Twenty-one (A Blessing And A Curse)

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Disclaimer: I own neither the series nor the characters. The only ones I, Dragoldanime22 owns are my original characters like Dragold and these unique story line that are different from the main series.

POV Dragold

After the session with Weiss, I find myself standing on my balcony; Reflecting on these past events particularly his desire for me to run the SDC.

"Great! Just Great. More idiots interfering with my plans and freedom." I yelled out sarcastically as I grabbed the metal bar tightly before accidentally melting parts of it to molten.

Surprised at that accident, I took a step back and grab my hand in fear and shock.

"I haven't lost control in years."

(Flashback to first year of Atlas Academy)

Before we could even stood a chance in our first Vytal Festival Tournament; Headmaster Ironwood recommended all of us to train up especially me.

Team D.A.W.N agreed to go our separate paths to train; Winter returned back to study up on her family's hereditary semblances.

Athena journeyed to Vacuo, to train up her abilities through Vacuo's harsh deserts and local. It is the only place in remnant that has a unspoken rule that states "If you can survive here, then you are welcome here."

Nicholas went back home in Mistral for his own training. Mainly working on his semblances.

While I'm currently stationed inside of a mostly empty white safe room with only one window as General Ironwood and a few professors stood behind it.

In front of me is a table holding a large metal cube, three times the sizes of my hands.

Ironwood spoke through the microphone,
"You have already proven your physical abilities during the entrance exam but you're still afraid of your own semblances."

"As such if you want to get any stronger, you have to face fears and master to it full potential."

After that one of the professors came forward.

"Today the task is simply, all you need to do is change the composition of this metal cube into any thing you want."

I nodded towards them as I began to hold the cube; concentrating on the item I had in mind.

However the cube combusted, burning my hands as I screamed.

All the professors rushed to my assistant while Ironwood facepalm at another failed attempts.

My semblances arguably the most versatile abilities in the world but it comes with a heavy cost; not only must I know the exact composition of the item I want to make, I must perform with a mind cleared of emotion and left only with logic.

As such the days of training continues. For each day I tried to control it only for me to injure myself, from burns to frostbites to electric shocks; named it and I have had it.

Sometimes it goes as far as giving me diseases that current doctor haven't found a cure yet thus making me very sick to the point where I was put on life-support.

During those times in the hospital, General Ironwood assign Doctors to assessed my condition and teach me more about the diseases I've  given myself.

Eventually curing myself, "unfortunately" the techniques I used on myself could only work through myself. Anyone else has a much higher risks compared to me.

As I'm recovering from my latest injuries in the hospital. Weiss visited me late at night in my private room.

Looking at her with depressed eyes I asked, "What are you doing here this late at night?"

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