dismal company

20 3 0

Lugubrious or whimsical ?
Is it beauty or horror that I see ?
Quit running Away from death's call,
Turn around and face life's cruelty.

Magic, they claim,
Shall appear in your dreams.
Magic is not that for which I aim,
All I seek for is Silence as it screams.

Where are you ? Hello ? I have been waiting you know. I missed you.
Where are you ? Away ? Is must be beautiful. I wonder, should I join you ?

Blackness now surrounds me as I drown
In the stream of stars I always have longed for.
Is this the freedom they constantly crown ?
Or the price to pay for perceiving life's core ?

Dance and fall with me,
Feel the void as you become its pray,
Hear it as it whispers : Were you lonely ?
Not to worry, never again shall I let you run Away.

musique ~ Ilomilo, Billie Eilish

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