Lugubrious or whimsical ?
Is it beauty or horror that I see ?
Quit running Away from death's call,
Turn around and face life's cruelty.Magic, they claim,
Shall appear in your dreams.
Magic is not that for which I aim,
All I seek for is Silence as it screams.Where are you ? Hello ? I have been waiting you know. I missed you.
Where are you ? Away ? Is must be beautiful. I wonder, should I join you ?Blackness now surrounds me as I drown
In the stream of stars I always have longed for.
Is this the freedom they constantly crown ?
Or the price to pay for perceiving life's core ?Dance and fall with me,
Feel the void as you become its pray,
Hear it as it whispers : Were you lonely ?
Not to worry, never again shall I let you run Away.
musique ~ Ilomilo, Billie Eilish

paint me a story
RandomNous avons tous en tête des images, des sons ou encore des histoires. Certains occupent nos pensées depuis des années. D'autres viennent d'apparaître, et refusent de nous quitter ne serait-ce qu'un moment. Ainsi, une question m'est venue : pourquoi...