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"There's nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere"

-Vivienne Westwood

The Cousins

Hong Kong 2010

Newton "Newt" Sangster slumped on against the black leather of a long sofa in one of the fanciest Hotel in China. Shangri La. He was exhausted from the sixteen-hour flight from London, the train ride from the airport, and the walk from the train station to the hotel cause her Aunt Brenda insisted that they should walk it because it was just 3 blocks away. While his cousins Teresa Lancaster and Aris Calthorpe were in the bar trying to get Coke. His sister, Sonya was somewhere in America studying and he couldn't care less. Their mothers: Ava Paige-Sangster, Brenda Sangster-Calthorpe, and Harriet Agnes Sangster-Lancaster were speaking to the general manager. They were all already soaking wet from the rain outside. The marble floor was stained with their footprints with mud as the children dragged their feet in it.

"Good evening ladies," the Chinese man greeted. "How may I help you ladies?" he added. He glanced at the two children as they stained the marble floor with mud. He flinched but still smiled.

"We have a reservation under the name Ava Paige," Brenda said. The man was shocked. He knew there was a reservation under the name Ava Paige but he didn't know she was English.

"I'm sorry which room did you say you were supposed to be staying?" he lied.

"We're supposed to be staying in Leong Suite," Paige said in her English accent.

The Chinese man looked at the computer, there it was the reservation as bright as the day. "Sorry we couldn't find a reservation," the Chinese replied.

"Please check again," Harriet complained.

"Sorry we couldn't find the reservation. Maybe you think you booked but there isn't," the Chinese manager explained. Two other clerks looked at their boss with confusing eyes.

"We want to see the computer," Ava asked politely.

"Sorry Ma'am but this is confidential," the Chinese man complained.

"Mom what's happening?" Aris asked as he pulled on his mother's fur coat. "It's nothing Aris," the woman looked at the ten-year old boy. "Where did you get that?" his mother asked. "The bartender where else!" Aris answered. He walked back to the sofa with a chin high as it could be holding a wine glass filled with sprinkling red black red Coke.

"Get out the couch! I'm the chairman. I'm the only one supposed to be sitting," the boy complained. His two cousins got off the seat with an obvious frown in each other's faces. Newt sighed and jumped off the sofa splashing mud all over the marble floor. "Why? Are you the President?" he complained. "Well because I'm one year older than you, you're my VP because you're the best and Teresa's my executive secretary because she's as old as me. Almost," Aris elaborated. Newt rolled his eyes. "Now Newtie hold my glass while Teresa will give me a back massage," he added. "Teresa will help to pick jewelries for my mistresses," Aris added again. "Really? But Newtie is the VP and he had to hold your glass?" Teresa sarcastically complained. "Well, we haven't decided what company we are going to run so do the massage," Aris commanded. Teresa shock her head. "How about a limousine company like in the James Bond movies with the ejector seats and everything?" Newt asked. "Actually, that's a great idea!" Aris exclaimed in excitement.

"Sorry but there isn't any reservation," the Chinese man said for the tenth time. "And please leave the premises," he added. The mothers shock their heads.

"And the children already have done too much damage for tonight," the man hissed.

"Asshole" Paige cursed as they walk out to the humid atmosphere outside. "He's a total bloody asshole!" Harriet cursed. "Where are we going to sleep now?" Brenda asked holding her son's hand. "How about in the Forbidden City?" Harriet offered. "Bloody not!" Paige complained. Paige think again. "Do you still have Henry Young's number?" she asked. The children yawned in exhaustion stretching their hands in progress. "Yeah Gary gave it to me," Harriet answered. "Okay let's find a telephone booth but I wished they have it red like back home," Paige said.

"What the hell?!" the Chinese manager cursed. The family is back on his lobby, well not technically his but it was his responsibility. "Madam haven't I told you to leave the premises?" he complained they can clearly sense the irritation in his voice. The women ignored him. "Please Madam leave the premises before-" he was cut by the ding of the elevator. "Oh Mrs. Sangster!" an elderly Chinese man greeted. The Chinese manager was shocked. The man was the owner. His boss, Henry Young. "We can talk about the papers tomorrow and let's find your family a room first," Henry Young explained. Henry faced the manager and ordered "Get the Leong Suite ready!"

"Sir what's happening?" the Chinese manager asked. "My family's long history as the custodians of the Shangri La has ended and I'm selling this hotel to my friends the Sangster family of London. Meet Mrs. Ava Sangster the new lady of the house." Henry Young elaborated. Harriet and Brenda with the children walked to the elevator eyeing the manager on their way there with Henry Young on their side while Ava stayed behind. "As my first command, please clean the mud and leave the premises after, since I don't like racism," she said. The manager was shocked. He was crying as the other clerk gave him a mop. Paige hopped in the elevator. "What did you do?" Harriet asked. "Just gave that racist a dose of his own medicine," she smirked as the elevator dinged.

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