6 | Inner Voice

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Edit: The top picture for this chapter is a picture I drew of the voice. She's important at the end and for the next chapters onwards. You'll find out her name soon :3


Ruby sat quietly on a vintage chair, which looked like it came from the 17th or the 18th century. Ruby was to wait inside a room in which they called it a 'Dining Room'. Ruby sat on one side of the table, head down, waiting for someone to come through that door and tell what the hell is going on. Right now, Ruby is alone, everyone was told to leave the room.

Ruby knew about their plan. About their kidnap plan but their purpose was unknown. Or at least to her knowledge through Jeff and Hoodie's memories. Ruby kept her eyes close, searching for something that could lead to why these people want her. It seems that even Jeff and Hoodie don't have the answers.

Ruby gave a short soft chuckle. "So they just decide to kidnap a woman without any explanation? Why do they all follow this man's orders? It does not make sense." She thought

· Of course, it makes sense ·

That voice. Ruby opened her eyes, confused in this voice was saying, "What are you saying here?"

· If my suspicions are correct, which normally it is... ·

Ruby rolled her eyes.

· Slenderman knows who you are and what you can do ·

Now, Ruby was thinking she was going crazy, "That's ridiculous," Ruby bluntly said.

· Oh, but it is not. You see, Slenderman is not just any monster. He is an old monster. Which means he knows the history of many things. ·

The voice stopped talking, seeing how confused on what it was trying to say. Ruby gave a minute or two to process what they had said.

"May I ask a question?" Ruby thought.

· I know what you are going to ask: How do I know about Slenderman ·

Ruby was silent.

· Very well ·

· It is very simple. You have the ability to see people's memories by touching their bare skin. But what you do not know is that I have the ability to see people's memories just by looking at them ·

"Wait, what?!" Ruby exclaimed. The room copied her voice and echoed the room.

· You and I are no different. Well, except for having a physical body. We both share one body ·

"So you know everything about Slenderman?"

· Well, not everything. Though you and I have seen Slenderman, I do not have the full ability to see everything. Only the recent. The very recent things he had done. And some random memories too ·

Ruby looked up, racking her brain. "So you do not know why he ordered them to kidnap me?"

· Sorry, doll. I do not. I only have the facts about him. The recent events that he has done. But I did snatch a little information back when you in the woods. ·

"Which is?"

· Slenderman seems like he is searching for something. Or someone. A person who goes by... the Guardian Mother ·

"The Guardian Mother? That sounds familiar." Ruby took her hands off the table and placed them on the armrest.

· Apparently, she is this very important person and carries people's lives on her shoulders. She is indeed important that she is also a very dangerous person. This Guardian Mother, if she is to get hurt, the impact will also happen to others. If they are to die, then people will also die ·

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