14 | Dress-Up

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"We better get to breakfast before we miss our breakfast," Eyeless Jack announced. I looked back at the clock that stood above the entrance door.


Has it been that long, already? Wow, time flies by when you occupy yourself with other people. I feel like I have only been talking to Lulu and Eyeless Jack for 10 minutes. We stood up and walked towards the door that led downstairs. Lulu went first, then me and Eyeless Jack was last. Eyeless Jack closed the door behind him and we all left talking about my training.

After that book pile incident, we just sat down and talked about their lives. Of course, not on the floor, they had comfortable wooden chairs in the middle of the room. Not like the ones in the dining room, those were not for comfort. I have gotten to know some things about Lulu and Eyeless Jack.

Lulu and Eyeless Jack are quite similar. They both suffered so much because they were outcasted for being different. For looking and acting different than the rest, they were the obvious targets in school. And yet, they are different people with different abilities, strength and weaknesses.

Lulu; I had asked politely about her past and she was glad to share a few of them. She was only seventeen when the car accident happened. Her eyes had been damaged the most from that crash. But before that crash, life for her wasn't smooth either. Although Lulu was very smart and kind to everyone, not many returned the same response as her.

She was bullied and had been beaten down numerous times. From seventh grade to ninth grade, Lulu said and I quote "The worst years of her life". I wish I could understand Lulu's situation, but I couldn't because I have never been through that kind of event. I didn't ask about her parents or her guardians because it didn't seem to be a good thing to ask. If Lulu had told her parents, perhaps she wouldn't be standing here today. So I'll just suggest that she had issues as well with her parents.

Even after the crash, things just seemed to get worse for her. The constant bullying became an everyday routine. From girls beating her in the girl's bathroom to boys mocking her in the hallway or outside school. No matter where she was in school, the bullies would never leave her alone.

But I guess what happened after was how Lulu snapped. She had murdered almost everyone in that school, including the teachers. I remember seeing it on the news a few years back, when I was nineteen and just ending my first year of college. The school she had went resided in Minnesota, however I can't remember the whereabouts of it. But I do remember seeing pictures of the victims, without their eyes.

But what I don't understand is how she ended up in Eureka, Nunavut, Canada. She couldn't have made it all the way there by walking. For one, it's too far from Minnesota, that it is not even in the country. She would have been walking for 3 years and yet she was able to reach there in less than a year. Perhaps Lulu didn't walk there. She perhaps took a flight there? But still it wouldn't have been possible.

Now, Eyeless Jack; he is a bit different. Eyeless Jack is a bit of a cold shoulder person. He does not seem to want to give any information about himself. I respect his decisions; I can't blame him for not trusting me. After all, I did try to kill him a couple of days ago. However, he did the basic knowledge of himself. Eyeless Jack is about two years older than me and is quite a tall person. If I had to estimate, he could be half or more of Slenderman's height; in other words, he is taller than Jeff. However, that was all he could really give about himself.

I guess I can admit that I wasn't satisfied with how little he told about himself. I could have just touched his bare skin and I would know everything about him. But, that wouldn't be fair to him nor to me. I need to build their trust so that they can trust me enough to tell me things.

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