The day after

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Gonna try and make this one a long one. A QUIET PLACE SPOILER

Third persons view

You woke up to Sarah kissing your shoulder. You rolled around to face her. You were facing her now and she smiled "hey." You smiled back at her "hi." She pecked your bottom lip. "How'd you sleep?" She said as she rested her arm on the side of the your waist "yeah thanks." She just smiled at you. You both just laid there looking into each other's eyes for a moment. "How's your back?" You broke the silence "I mean it's a teeny tiny bit better." The smile came off of her face "lucky I'm not doing anything today" she turned around and moaned. You massaged her back as she looked at her phone. "For god shake" on her phone was 7 miss calls from Holland and 4 texts saying ' I miss you , please call me, what you doing, I miss you' she almost slammed her phone on the table. Holland has been so obsessed with Sarah since she broke up with her. "What's the matter?" You asked whilst you stopped rubbing her back "It's Holland she's been obsessed with me since we broke up." She turned back round to face you. She then wrapped herself around you until there was no space in between you. Your found your way around her and one of your hands were rubbing her back. She silently started to cry on your shoulder, she sniffed and you knew something wasn't right. "Sarah look at me" Sarah stayed still for a moment but then started to come into you view. Her eyes were red and tears going down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." More tears came down from her face. You cupped her face in your hands and wiped away her tears with your thumb. "Don't be sorry' you looked into her eyes as you felt helpless "Let's go downstairs get some breakfast and have a good lazy day coz I've got nothing to do." She just nodded, you kissed her forehead and let go of her broken face. She started to get up as the same time you did. She walked up to the bedroom door " You can wear my clothes for today as you don't have any here." She opened the door and let you go in front of her "thanks" you waited for her at the top of the stairs. She grabbed your waist in case she couldn't walk "Thanks" she said as you started walking down the stairs together "no problem" Sarah was walking a bit better than last night. You made it to the bottom of the stairs without anything bad happening "what do you want for breakfast? I have toast or cornflakes?" She asked you "I'll have Cornflakes" she nodded and got two bowls out and made breakfast. You both sat having breakfast "Do you want to watch a film or binge watch something?" You nodded "yeah that sounds good."

Your point of view

So far we have watched all the pitch perfect movies as Sarah wanted to watch them all. I was slightly laid on the sofa and Sarah was laid on top of me with her head on my chest. We just began watching A quiet place with Sarah's friends Emily Blunt and John Krasinski In. Even though I've seen it before Sarah hasn't seen it and don't know what it's about she still agreed to watch it. The moment came up when they were in the house and the kids knocked the fire over. Sarah's eyes were fixed on the screen even though she was gripping onto the jumper you were wearing. You just played with her short blonde hair. All of a sudden Sarah buried her face into your chest and gripped around your middle. "How can you watch this? It's scary." She said and her face was still on your chest but you made it out. "I don't know I just don't get scared by things like this." She looked up shocked. You kissed her forehead then she kissed your lips. Which you returned when she pulled back she smiled and rested her head back on your chest. She kept covering her face from the film as she didn't want to ask to stop watching is so you could watch it. When Emily's character gave birth a couple of moments later when the shadows were coming Sarah clung onto you as her head was slightly watching the film to see what was happening but the other half was buried in your chest. The door then knocked and Sarah jumped "Jeazz" she got up "you can keep watching that if you want." She said as she walked out to open the door "What the" but before she could say anything the person in front of her kissed her. Sarah pushes her back "Holland what the fuck!" Holland is the last person that Sarah wants to see Holland tried to kiss her again but as soon as she did Sarah slapped her round the face "Hey, Why would you do that" Holland questioned "your pathetic!" Sarah exclaimed "your gonna wish you didn't say that Sarah." She said with a bit of a threat "really' Sarah looked at her in disbelief "just go Holland" she instructed but Holland didn't do anything "You will regret this" she said as she turned around and walked off. Sarah shut the door "fucking phsco" Sarah came back into the living room she laid back to the side of you and wrapped her arms around you "what's the matter" you started playing with her dark roots "Holland kissed me then I pushed her off then she tries again so I slap her and said she's pathetic and she threatens me." Her voice got more tense as she was talking. "Are you alright?" You asked even though she didn't seem it "just pissed about it, her; how she's just been constantly calling texting me and trying to get back with her." She let out a deep sigh, "not being rude but how much has this got left?"she asked avoiding to look at the screen "umm... five minutes." Sarah looked at the clock on her wall "I should probably go to bed later cause I've got work in the morning." Even though Sarah finished her work for American Horror Story she was still working on Ratched "well once this is over I'll start going home." You kisses Sarah's scalp "k I'll text you when I have a chance tomorrow" the movie came to the credits and you turned it off. Sarah started to get up so you could go. Moments later you went downstairs to the door with all your stuff where Sarah was waiting for you. You put your stuff on the floor and hugged Sarah "thanks for letting me stay over it's been great." You let go of her. Then she pulled you in for a kiss Sarah slipped her tongue in. You kissed her back also giving her a bit of tongue. Sarah then pulled away "you can come anytime." She smiled and opened the door "see ya soon." You said as you walked out. "Bye." Sarah said. As you got into the taxi and went back home all you could think about was that kiss.
The next chapter will be mostly Sarah's point of view as it is a pretty important chapter. But it also contains some things that may make some people uncomfortable reading.
Also thanks for reading this. X

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