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Sorry that this story is probably going to be short but hope you enjoy it. X
It's been two days since the verdict came through. The case was all over the news but never mind that you and Sarah had decided that you would move into Sarah's house as you two couldn't really spend a night away from each other. You and Sarah haven't publicly announced that you two were a couple yet but you both decided that you would wait until all the news had gone down and everything was kind of back to normal. You were still getting used to Sarah's house and where everything was.
It was the middle of the day and you and Sarah were sat on the sofa watching Murder Mystery on Netflix as everyone was talking about it. It was actually really good. You guys did pretty much nothing all day. Sarah ordered Pizza for both of you. Which you ate when it came. After you ate you two sat back down on the sofa "what do you want to watch?" Sarah asked, you didn't really care much as long as she was happy. "You choose." That lead to both of you watching dead to me again from the start as you both loved it. After watching two episodes you got a text from a random number.
' Hey (Y/N) I wanted to text you to say that your audition was successful and you are now part of the cast for American Horror Story 1984 Congratulations. Ryan Murphy. X'
A little scream came out of you when your read it "Jesus what is it." You showed her the text and she smiled. "Oh my god that's great." Sarah launched her self at you hugging you tightly. "Your gonna do so well." You both had a great day mostly celebrating by drinking but you didn't care about the fact you feel like death in the morning. It was about midnight and you both decided to go to bed so you both got changed and brushed your teeth and got into bed. You laid there and kissed for a while. You got comfy and rested on Sarah's chest. You both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Your point of view.

I woke up with a really bad headache from last night. Sarah wasn't in bed so I went downstairs and went in the kitchen. Sarah was stood at the kettle waiting for the water to boil. "Morning." I said approaching her "Morning do you want some tea." She asked as she smiled. "That would be great. Thanks babe." I placed my chin on her shoulder and kissed her shoulder. "Have we got anything to do today?" I asked as I stood up straight and the kettle clicked "not that I know of." She responded and made the tea. She gave it to me and she sat down at the counter. "At least the news has calmed down a bit." I nodded. "I'm going to get dressed." I placed a kiss on Sarah's lips and went upstairs to now our room and put a crop top on and some leggings. I came back down and finished my tea as stag got changed. She came back down moments later in a pair of jeans and a fitted black short top. "She kisses my cheek as she came over to wash her mug. The door then knocked "Are you expecting someone." I asked Sarah who looked confused "no you?" I shook my head we both went over to the door. I opened the door and I froze but my mouth could still work "hello Mother." I said with no emotion "you haven't changed much then have you." My mother said looking me up and down. I just tutted "what do you want mum?" Sarah looked at me then back at my mother "Well I was in the area and decided to come visit you." I then noticed she had suit cases "why have you got them?" I asked pointing to her bags "I'm sorry can I stay round here for just two days as my bathroom is getting done up." I looked at Sarah and she nodded "I suppose so only for one nights though. Also this is my friend Sarah and she lives here with me." Sarah smiled and shook her hand "Nice to meet you I'm Melissa." Surprisingly she accepted he hand shake. "Come in then." I said, Melissa came in and put her suitcases next to the door. She then went to sit down on the sofa. I pushed the door shut without moving "Look Sarah we can't do anything whilst she is here because she is against homosexuals so we need to be carful on what we're doing. And we are probably going to argue a lot as my mother just has that affect on me." I explained I actually hate my mother so much. "It's ok I'm sure you can get through this." I shrugged.
This will go on for a few more chapters so I will try and put them out as soon as I can. X

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