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Me and Sarah were sat in the kitchen having lunch as we were soon going out with my sister and her kids. For the rest of the day. A few minutes later I felt a pain in my stomach so I let go of my food and gripped onto the table. "(Y/n) are you ok?" I nodded as the pain went away "I'm fine." The pain was sharp again and made me cry out "Sar." She stood up and came round to me in a matter of seconds. I felt water rush out from me and looked at Sarah with eyes covering my view. "Oh my we need to get you to the hospital." She helped me walk to the car as the pain was getting worse every other minute. I pulled out my phone and called my sister. "Lauren go to the hospital." I said trying to catch my breath "ok I'm leaving now with the kids." I hung up the phone and we were already on our way to the hospital. When we got there the nurses got me into a wheel chair and I climbed onto the arms of it. I was now on the bed and Sarah's mum and sisters were on there way and Lauren was outside with the kids. Sarah was holding my hand and stroking my hair. "When is the doctor coming?"
"Soon your doing well (y/n)."
At that time Sarah's mum and my sister came into the room with a doctor. "Hey the kids are with Rachel and Liz how you doing?" Lauren took my spare hand "She's doing well we're going to start pushing in a bit ok (y/n)" I nodded and squeezed the hands in mine as the pain was getting worse. "Get this thing out of me now it hurts like hell."
Catharine kissed me on the head "good luck I'll see you and my grandchildren later. You can do this." She walked out of the room "are we ready to start pushing?" The doctor said and I nodded and gripped onto Lauren and Sarah's hands "one...two..three." I pushed for as long as I could. "Ok breath and one more big push."
I took a deep breath "one...two..three." I pushed. Little cries filled the room. "Birth date July 30, 2019 at 21:34." I closed my eyes and but my head back "it's a girl congratulations mrs Paulson." I opened my eyes and looked at Sarah who was now crying. "Who's cutting the umbilical cord?"
"Sarah." She cut it and they wrapped our baby up and handed her to Sarah and she carried her over to me. "I'll leave you guys alone I'll go tell them it's a girl." I nodded and took our baby into my arms. "Hey baby girl." Sarah said stroking her little head. "I know we've talked about names jokingly but I was thinking she looked like an Ava." I looked into our baby's eyes "I love it and I loved her." I looked up to Sarah and she was smiling. "Can her middle name be Catharine after me and my mum." I nodded and smiled at her "Ava Catharine Paulson." As I said her full name our baby girl smiled "she obviously loves it." Sarah giggled a bit but not to loud "she does." The nurse then came in "I'll need to take her for some tests to see if everything is okay then she will be right back with you if that's alright." I nodded and sat up a bit more "Do we have a name yet as I'll do the birthday certificate as well?" I nodded and was going to say her name but Sarah beat me to it "it's Ava Catharine Paulson make sure you spell Catharine right." The nurse nodded as she took Ava from me and put her in a little bed "Don't worry Mrs Paulson we will." She smiled and walked away. I let out a big sigh "I can't believe I just did that. Thank you." Sarah sat fully on the bed and wrapped her arms around me. "Why are you Thanking me you just have us our own little baby girl Thank you I love you so so much." I smiled and had tears in my eyes "I love you too baby." We softly kissed for a couple of seconds. The door opened and I heard "Auntie (y/n), auntie Sarah I missed you." Erin was hugging Sarah's legs and Max came round to me and gave me a hug "we missed both of you too." I said Then Catharine came over to me and gave me a massive hug "Thank you so much (y/n) I mean it." She pulled away "your welcome I guess." I said a bit confused then Rachel and Liz came in as well as Lauren. Erin and Max were now sat on the bed with me. "So now we are all here tell us her name." Rachel said with a massive smile on her face "Well it's Ava Catharine Paulson." As I said that Sarah's mum gasped and started to cry and Sarah went over to her and hugged her "mum why are you so emotional today?" Sarah asked "I have a granddaughter and she has the same middle name as my name and I'm so happy you and (y/n) are happy together." Lauren came over to me and held my hand and I smiled at her "Do you want me to tell Dad or" I cut her off "No." She nodded my Dad was a horrible drunken mess most of the time when he found out I was Pregnant he started punching the wall then went up to Sarah and said it was all her fault I could never see him ever again. He was like that to my mother when I was child even though I never liked my mum she didn't deserve to get abused no one does. I was now crying and the kids and Sarah's family left to give me some space. "Honey what's up talk to me" I shook my head and reached out for my younger sisters hand "I-I... I'm sorry Lauren... I'm sorry I didn't do anything when we were kids. I could have told someone and we could have had a better childhood." My breathing sped up "hey... hey it's ok (y/n) calm down my childhood was good I had the best sister anyone could have and I wouldn't change it for a thing. Ok you listen to me let's focus on what's happening now you just had a baby with the woman you love the most in this world yeah." I nodded and wiped away the tears that were left on my face "yeah." Sarah was now rubbing my back and softly crying. We all hugged "and now were all one big family wether we like it or not." I giggled a little at that "I'm gonna try and get some sleep until everyone else comes." Lauren nodded and walked out the room I let go of Sarah and got comfy in the bed. Sarah moves next to the chair and got out her phone "Sarah are you okay?" I asked a bit concerned she looked at me and smiled "yeah I'm fine i just didn't like to see you in so much pain today it's just been a rollercoaster." I nodded and fell to sleep.
When I woke up Sarah was fast asleep on the chair. I must have been to sleep for about an hour then. Lily and Amanda came into the room and I smiled at them "hey how you doing?" Lily asked I nodded "good a little tired though not going to lie." Amanda sat on the end of the bed and Lily sat on the chair to the other side of me. We started to talk about who knows "hey bird." I heard and turned my head to Sarah who was waking up "Hey Lily." She then said "hi congratulations." She then said and Sarah smiled  "Paulson Ava is such a cute name." Amanda said "I can't take the credit it was (y/n) choice and I loved it instantly." She smiled grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together we both smiled at each other "You guys are so cute." Lily said and I giggled "thank you." The nurse then came in with Ava and a massive smile came across my face "since you were asleep earlier she didn't want to see her mum." The nurse said as she handed Ava to me "you guys she so gorgeous." Amanda said I smiled "isn't she just." Sarah said "so you can put her in this bed here and buzz this if you need anything or you confused by something." She said handing me a little button and I nodded "sure will." She walked out moments before Liz and Rachel walked in "Hey we've got to." Rachel paused halfway through her sentence when she saw us "omg she's tiny." Liz said as they both walked over to us. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked her and she nodded "I would love to." I carefully put Ava into Liz's arms "Hey bunny it's auntie Liz and Rachel." Liz said I smiled at the pet name "We've got to go but mummy will make sure you don't forget us." Rachel said then smiling at both me and Sarah. Liz then passed Ava to Sarah and they said there goodbyes and left Lauren had their childminder pick up the kids as they were getting tired. Catharine then came into the room and walked straight over to Sarah and looked at Ava and gently stroked her little head. "Mum you can hold her if you want to?" Sarah asked and Catharine nodded and took Ava into her arms "your so beautiful aren't you Ava. Your gonna be a catch when you grow older. But that's hopefully years away." I looked over at Sarah who was now asleep. Lauren then came in and held Ava and the I put Ava down and I went to sleep.
This chapter took me a while hope you like it. I've got a few ideas for some more chapters but comment suggestions. Ty ❤️

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