The Hospital visit

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When I woke up Sarah was in the bathroom so I decided to get dressed and sat on the bed looking at my phone. She came out ready to go. "Hey you ready to go babe?" I asked, she nodded and grabbed her bag. I walked over to her and put my arms around her and kissed her cheek. "I'm here if you need me." I reassured her she nodded and kissed my cheek "thank you. I don't know what I would do without you." We walked out of the hotel and drove to the hospital. Where we saw Catherine's car so at least we weren't alone. I held Sarah's hand as we went to her fathers room. Catherine was already in there. Sarah went in and I sat outside.
Sarah's POV:
I walked into my dads room he was slightly sat up. My mum was sat on a chair next to him even though they weren't together she still cared about him. "Hi Sarah." He said I smiled through me emotions and sat down next to his bed. "Hey." He adjusted my head to see me "your mom tells me you have a new girlfriend." and I nodded "yep her name is (y/n) AHS sat outside at the moment." Then he tutted and I raised my eyebrow. "Bring her in here I want to meet her." I nodded and went outside "babe he wants to meet you." I said as I held out my hand "really." I nodded then she stood up and took my hand. We walked into his room and my dad smiled. "Dad this is (y/n), (y/n) this is my dad." (Y/N) squeezed my hand "Hi nice to finally meet you." My dad said "nice to meet you to Mr Paulson." He laughed a little bit then coughed "please- call me Doug." (Y/N) nodded my dad then coughed again but worse "do you want me to get you anything?" I asked him and he shook his head "no I'm fine what you doing for work at the moment then?" He asks me I sat down on his bed and (y/n) sat on the chair "Well I'm working on Ratched now and I have a movie coming out in September." He smiled "that's good." I nodded. Dads hand started shaking I didn't notice it until his whole body started shaking "Dad." I said my mom rushed out to get someone and (y/n) stood up "Dad." People rushed into the room "you need to leave the room." This women said (y/n) put her arm around my shoulder "you have to save him...please." I stood up and wrapped my arms around (y/n) crying in her arms "we will do ur best." I walked out in (y/n)'s arms I sat down on the chairs next to her and my mom they both held one of my hands. "There going to do there best Sarah." I didn't move to what my mom said then Rachel and Liz rushed through the hospital doors towards us. "What's going on?" Rachel panted "he was shaking to much and his heart rate dropped." They sat down we were all in silence. Then I heard a heart machine flat line. It sounded like it came from his room. I burst out into tears and leant my whole body on (y/n)'s shoulder. The doctors came out with no sound then his doctor came out. "Paulson's?" We all stood up "what happened" my mum said he had a seizure and a heart attack as his body couldn't cope with it. I'm sorry Ms Paulson." The doctor said and I fell to the floor in tears. I cried so much I had a headache in seconds. I felt (y/n)'s arms around me and I leant into her. "This cant be happening, he's still in there alive. They got it wrong." She stroked my hair "Sar he's gone to a pain free place he can still see you. He's still with you." I sniffed and wiped my tears "nothing feels the same." I said through my tears "it won't for
A while my darling." My mother said as she rubbed my back I managed to stand up and wrapped my arms around (y/n) and I didn't want to let her go. I was scared of loosing her. "Do you want to go and see him?" (Y/N) asked me I nodded my head but didn't let go of her "don't leave me alone in there." I pulled away slightly but still holding on to her "I won't." Come on she wrapped her arm around my waist as we walked in. I saw him laying there lifeless. "Dad" I went over to the bed still holding "y/n)'s hand "Dad...I love you. I'm sorry you went through all of that. Have a nice time." My tears built in my eyes again and I wrapped my arms around (y/n) and we walked out "I wanna go back to the hotel now." I said "of course come on let's go to the car." We both walked to the car and drove to the hotel.
Your POV:
It broke my heart to see Sarah in this much pain but I just wanted to be there to support her. We got into our room and we still hadn't been apart Sarah just didn't want to let go of me which I understand. We got changed into our pyjamas and got into bed. Sarah wrapped her body around me. "(Y/N) can you promise me something."
"What is it love?" She looked up "can you promise me that you won't leave me?" I kissed her head "That's the most important promise I will make to you. I'll never leave you. I love you." She smiled it was the first Tim's I'd seen her smile since her dad passed "I love more" she said she fell straight to sleep into my arms. I fell asleep slightly after.

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