Darkest Minds

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  Alrighty than, so in the series The Darkest Minds has been discovered. Along with that comes the idea of what colors each friend would be. All of us. I'll start off with the friend who introduced me to the series, her color from what I can remember was Blue. Next is  Bluepaladin4ever, we decided that they were a yellow. The next one was mc_lemons4life who we decided to make a green. Third is CuteKitty3157 who was decided to be a yellow. Then there was 1vshirov1 who was a orange I believe. The next person who we decided on does not have an account so for now I shall refer to them as M, for M we decided yellow. Finally me, strangely enough we had to do a bit of brainstorming for what my color would be but we eventually settled with the idea that I would have been a red. So I thought that was cool.

Comment what you think your color would be and if you disagree with our conclusion.

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