Okay, so I have issues and I'm going to rant about them.
So at my school people are just a bit excessive with perfume. Honestly I understand that some people like perfume and that is fine. My issue is that they have been spraying it in the hallways around the gym and dance rooms. So much so that I feel the perfume on my face. But before you leave thinking I'm just being spoiled and demanding I actually have a good reason to be upset.
I'm allergic to fur, the chemicals in perfume and hand sanitizer. It's one thing if you spray it a bit to much on your self. BUT! Don't put it in the hallways so much.
To put it in perspective for you, someone accidentally hit a open perfume bottle onto my hand last year. My hand began to blister and peal. My entire left hand was wrapped for over 2 weeks just to get it to stop bleeding. If you do that please don't do it as much because I am tired of constant allergic reactions by simply walking to class.
Thanks for listening to my Tedd talk.

Random crap
Randompretty much random things that I see and think will be posted in here like memes and stuff. also I don't own any of the pictures of I tell a story there's more than its true and came from me. Sorry just needed to put that out there.