Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

[JP stretches as he wakes up from his sleep. He had a strange dream but didn't understand what it meant. He gets up and puts on his uniform. He walks downstairs and sees his sister Kari who is doing a report of Blue Angel and her new summoning technique]

JP: Moring, Kari, is Yuma up yet?

Kari: Nope. He's probably oversleeping as usual.

JP: I'm not surprised. Got any good leads?

Kari: I'm working on them. Where you heading?

JP: I'm going over to meet up with Lulu, Yuto, and Shay.

Kari: Okay. Just don't be late for school.

JP: Got it.

[JP got ready and headed out the door. He met up with Lulu and the rest of his friends]

Lulu: You're late.

JP: Had to get my brother up.

Yuto: You need to give up on that. He's a lost cause.

JP: You can always dream.

Shay: It's time to move on.

Lulu: Enough of that! Let's head to school!

JP: Alright!

[All of them head to school and the school day begins. During class, Shay and Yuto mess around so Lulu puts them in line. JP laughs at this sight. After the school, it was duel period. JP, Lulu, Shay, and Yuto meet up with Yuma]

JP: Let me guess. You were late.

Yuma: Why didn't you wake me up?

JP: I said for 10 minutes, "Yuma, wake up!"

Yuma: Well do it louder next time!

Tori: Look over there! Bronk is dueling someone!

[The group looks as sees that Bronk is dueling Reginald Kastle, or Shark]

Yuma: What is he doing?

[The duel ends with Shark as the victor. The group walks over. Shark walks over to the fallen Bronk and takes Bronk's deck]

Yuma: What are you doing? You can't take Bronk's deck!

Shark: I can. We had a little bet. The winner gets the loser's deck.

Yuma: Give it back!

Shark: I like your confidence, Yuma. But even if you duel me, what will you give me if I win?

Yuma: I didn't think that far!

[Shark sees JP]

Shark: What do you think he should give me?

[JP doesn't answer]

Shark: I'll take this.

[Shark takes Yuma's key and breaks it. This enrages JP]

JP: Why did you that?

Shark: I'm a bully. It's what I do!

[JP rushes Shark only to be restrained by Yuto and Shay]

Shark: Feisty aren't you? What are you going to do?

[JP sneers at Shark]

Shark: Nothing. I didn't think so.

[JP runs away]

Shark: He's a wimp.

[Just then a boy appears]

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