Prologue: Joining the Photons

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[Kite is pacing back and forth while his friends Dextra and Nistro watch]

Dextra: Kite, you need to calm down. We'll help your brother.

Nistro: Also pacing and forth is starting to annoy me.

Kite: You wouldn't understand what I'm going through.

[Just then a Masked Man appears]

Nistro: Who are you? You don't belong here!

Masked Man: Why would you turn away a potential ally?

Nistro: Our group has everyone we need. We don't need you.

Masked Man: How can I convince you otherwise? What if I beat you in a duel?

Nistro: Or you can just let me crush you!

Kite: Duel him, Nistro. He may prove useful.

Nistro: Fine. I'll crush him and then I'll crush his bones!

[The Masked Man and Nistro prepare to duel]

Dextra: Nistro, if you lose I'll be very disappointed.

Nistro: Trust me. This will be easy.

Masked Man: Keep your words sweet because you'll soon be eating them. Time to feel the flow!

Masked Man/Nistro: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Masked Man

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Nistro- 4000 LP

Masked Man: I'll start. My turn. I place two cards face down. Since I control no monsters, I can summon Linkslayer!

Linkslayer: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

Masked Man: I place a monster facedown in DEF mode.Turn end.

Turn 2- Nistro

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Nistro- 4000 LP

Nistro: Is that all? If it is then you're in trouble! My turn! I draw! Since you control cards and I don't, I can special summon Hammer Bounzer!

Hammer Bounzer: Level 6- 2300 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Nistro: Battle. When this monster attacks and I have no spell or trap cards set, you can't activate any spell or traps! Hammer Bounzer, attack his facedown! Knuckle Knockdown!

[The Masked Man is unphased]

Nistro: You'll have to do better than that! Turn end.

Turn 3- Masked Man

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Nistro- 4000 LP

Masked Man: I expected more. My turn. Draw. Since Dotscaper was sent to the Graveyard, I can bring it back to the field!

Nistro: That was a pointless move.

Masked Man: You think so? Let me show you why I'm the best duelist here. Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!

[The circuit appears and everyone gasps]

Masked Man: The summoning conditions are two effect monsters. I set Linkslayer and Dotscaper in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link summon! Appear, Link 2 Pentestag!

Pentestag: 1600 ATK/ Link-2

Kite: What's a link summon?

Nistro: Doesn't matter. His monster isn't stronger than mine.

Masked Man: Your monster won't be a problem. Trap card, open: Cynet Regression! Since I link summoned, I can destroy one card on the field and then draw one card! Say goodbye to your monster!

Nistro: What!

Masked Man: Now I summon Balancer Lord in ATK Mode!

Balancer Lord: Level 4- 1700 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Masked Man: Now I activate its special ability! By paying 1000 LP, I can normal summon another Cyberse Monster! Say hello to Launcher Commander!

Launcher Commander: Level 4- 1700 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Masked Man: I overlay my Level 4 Balancer Lord and Launcher Commander to build the Overlay Network! The wall of power that annihilates everything! Manifest as the dragon's fang! I XYZ Summon! Appear! Rank 4! Firewall eXceed Dragon!

Firewall eXceed Dragon: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Dextra: This duel is over!

Masked Man: My monster gains 500 ATK times the total link rating of the monsters that point to it! Pentestag is Link 2. So my dragon gains 1000 ATK!

Firewall eXceed Dragon- 2500 ATK - - -> 3500 ATK

Masked Man: Time to end this! Battle. Pentestag, attack directly!

Nistro: Ahh!

Nistro- 4000 LP - - -> 2400 LP

Masked Man: Firewall eXceed Dragon, attack directly and end this duel! Rising Crypt Limit!

Nistro: Ahh!

Nistro- 2400 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Masked Man

[The duel ends]

Masked Man: So, do I pass the test?

[Kite just stares at the Masked Man]

Nistro: We can use him, Kite. That new summoning technique will be a force to deal with.

Dextra: I trust him.

[Kite offers the Masked Man his hand]

Kite: Welcome to the crew. Got a name?

[The Masked Man removes his mask]

Playmaker: Just call me Playmaker.

[Playmaker became a trusted ally and the leader of the group. He was Kite's best friend. He and Dextra became very close. He was a force to be reckoned with]

Cyberse Master (Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 4 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now