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[JP is hanging with his friends Skye, Lulu, Yuto, and Shay. His brother Yuya is hanging with their other friends. JP and Yuto are working on their decks while Shay is eating snacks. Lulu and Skye are having "girl talk"]

Yuto: I got it!

[The group looks at Yuto]

Shay: You got what?

Yuto: I got the deck that I need to use to defeat, JP.

JP: You won't beat me.

Yuto: Don't be so sure. I have a surprise waiting for you!

JP: Well, I hate surprises. So let's get this over with.

[JP and Yuto prepare to face off. The rest of the group stands by. Yuma, Tori, and Bronk arrive]

Bronk: Yuto is dueling JP again? Doesn't he know he'll lose?

Lulu: I don't know. Yuto seemed pretty confident today.

[JP and Yuto face each other]

Yuto: You ready?

JP: I'm always ready. Time to feel the flow!

JP/Yuto: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Yuto

JP- 4000 LP/ Yuto- 4000 LP

Yuto: I'll go first. My turn. I place three cards face down. Then I'll activate the spell Heavy Storm and destroy them all and end my turn.

Shay: Well, I guess Yuto acted all confident.

Turn 2- JP

JP- 4000 LP/ Yuto- 4000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I place a card face down. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon Linkslayer!

Linkslayer: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

JP: Battle. Linkslayer, attack directly! Meteor Break!

Yuto: I activate my traps Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil from my Graveyard! When you attack me directly, these traps become monsters in DEF mode!

Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil- Level 4- 0 ATK/ 300 DEF

JP: Linkslayer, take out one of his monsters! Meteor Break!

Shay: Yuto saved himself there.

JP: Hmm. Turn end.

Turn 3- Yuto

JP- 4000 LP/ Yuto- 4000 LP

Yuto: My turn! I draw! I activate the spell Pot of Greed and draw two cards. Since I control a Phantom Knights Monster, I can summon Phantom Knights of Silent Boots!

Phantom Knights of Silent Boots- Level 3- 200 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Yuto: Now I summon the Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves!

Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves: Level 3- 1000 ATK/ 500 DEF

Yuma: He's got s full field now.

Bronk: But none can beat Linkslayer.

Yuto: Time to show you the new summoning technique. I've mastered! Appear, the circuit of the Phantom Knights!

[The circuit appears. Everyone gasps. JP's eyes widen but then go back to normal]

Yuma: I thought JP was the only one who could link summon!

Yuto: The summoning conditions are at least 2 dark monsters! I set Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves, Silent Boots, and one Shadow Veil in the Link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 3 Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche!

Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche: 2100 ATK/ Link-3

Yuto: I place a card face down and end my turn.

Yuma: Wait. Why didn't he attack?

Shay: He must be worried about JP's face downs. Also JP can also Link Summon at will.

Yuto: How does it feel, JP, to have your own summoning technique used against you?

JP: I'm impressed but this is as far as you'll go.

Turn 4- JP

JP- 4000 LP/ Yuto- 4000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw.

Yuto: I activate my trap: Phantom Knights Sword and equip it to my Rusty Bardiche! It gets an 800 ATK boost and for the first time when it's destroyed in battle or card effect, it isn't.

Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche- 2100 ATK - - -> 2900 ATK

JP: Hmm. I'll start by activating the field spell: Cynet Universe! Now all Link monsters I control gain 300 ATK. I summon Balancer Lord ATK Mode!

Balancer Lord: Level 4- 1700 ATK/ 1200 DEF

JP: Since I control two monsters of the same kind, I can summon Cyberse White Hat!

Cyberse White Hat: Level 6- 1800 ATK/ 2400 DEF

JP: Now I'll pay 1000 ATK to normal summon another Cyberse Monster.

JP- 4000 LP - - -> 3000 LP

JP: Say hello to RAM Clouder!

RAM Clouder- Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 100 DEF

Skye: It's JP's turn to link summon.

JP: Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are at least two Cyberse Monsters! I set Linkslayer and Cyberse White in the Link arrows! Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear, Link 2 Encode Pentestag!

Pentestag: 1600 ATK/ Link-2

JP: Trap card, open: Cynet Regression! I can destroy one card on the field and then draw one card! Say goodye to Phantom Knight Sword! Now your monster loses 800 ATK.

Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche- 2900 ATK - - -> 2100 ATK

JP: It gets worse from here. Since Cyberse White Hat was used to Link summon, all of your monsters lose 1000 ATK!

Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche: 2100 ATK - - -> 1100 ATK

JP: Thanks to my field spell, Pentestag gains 300 ATK!

Pentestag- 1600 ATK - - -> 1900 ATK

JP: Now I overlay my Level 4 Balancer Lord and RAM Clouder to build the Overlay Network! The wall of power that annihilates everything! Manifest as the dragon's fang! I XYZ Summon! Appear! Rank 4! Firewall eXceed Dragon!

Firewall eXceed Dragon: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2100 DEF

JP: My dragon gains 500 ATK per link rating it's linked to. Pentestag is Link 2, So my dragon gains 1000 ATK.

Firewall eXceed Dragon- 2500 ATK - - -> 3500 ATK

JP: Time to end this. Battle. Pentestag, attack Shadow Veil! When this monster attacks a monster in DEF mode, you still take damage!

Yuto: Ahh!

Yuto- 4000 LP - - -> 2400 LP

JP: It's over, Firewall eXceed Dragon, attack his monster and end this duel! Rising Crypt Limit!

Yuto: Ahh!

Yuto- 2400 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: JP

[The duel ends and JP goes to help Yuto up]

Yuto: You always get the right hand.

JP: It's luck. Trust me.

Shay: So Yuto can link summon now. I wish I could.

Yuma: Yeah! Me too!

JP: Maybe someday guys. Maybe someday.

[Shay looks at his deck and sees his link monster. He just smiles. The friends walk away in search of a place to eat]

Cyberse Master (Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 4 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now