Chapter 1

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Amber opened her eyes slightly. She saw her mother,so she knew she was safe. Slowly she began to open her eyes fully. When she opened her eyes,her mother noticed her and her gaze softened. "Your eyes look like your fathers eyes," Amber blinked in confusion. She had no idea who her father was, so she continued drinking her milk. After Amber has finished drinking her milk,she decided to try to stand up. Amber sat down trying to keep balance. Then she stood up fully and attempted to walk. She put her leg out and put it their firmly. Then she kept repeating this with her other legs,soon walking around with her tail held high.The place where she was walking had weird dens shaped like squares. Amber noticed some weird creatures with two legs,so she backed away to her mother.
     "Those weird dens you saw,Amber are called houses. And the weird creatures are called house folks, but to us they are called two legs." Ambers mother explained to her.Amber nodded and gazed around. Then in a sudden her mother picked her up. Amber twitched her ears as her mother walked away from the bushes. I wonder where we're going? Thought Amber. Amber flattened her ears as she saw a black path. And amber got even more scared as brightly colored things came racing across it. "These are called monsters. The monsters are on thunder paths, and Amber don't you ever go on a thunder path unless you have to." Amber wondered what would happen if she went on a thunder path,but she didn't ask. Amber got very surprised and scared as her mother raced across the thunder path as full speed. Why would mommy just race across that thunder path when she just told me to never do that? Amber thought. Amber soon got tired so she closed her eyes as her mother, still carrying her and running, Amber fell asleep.
Amber heard yowls of surprise that woke her up. Ambers eyes flew open and couldn't believe her eyes...
Their were cats everywhere in the clearing, Amber could feel her mother stiffen. The cats were yowling like crazy.
Finally, a dark gray Tom walked to Amber's mom slowly. "Sandfox? Where were you? And most importantly, is this your kit?" Their were murmurs among the crowd of cats after the Tom finished speaking. "Shardstar...yes this is my kit-" Amber's mom got interpreted by the shocked gasps of the cats. Amber's mother bowed her head to Shardstar.
"Shardstar, I know that I did a very big mistake of having a kit who's father I cannot tell. Amber shivered. She shivered for two reasons; she was starting to get a cold..but also, does mom think am a mistake? Amber asked herself, sitting down and trying to get warm.Shardstar twitched is ears thoughtfully. " I will think about this, if your kit can stay." He meowed."but you,Sandfox,can only stay intill the kit can eat freshkill."Amber's heart pounded with dread,She was only a couple days old! She couldn't lose her mother when she was still such a tiny kit.
Sandfox stared at Shardstar. "Fine. But take good care of my kit when I leave."
Soooo want y'all think of my first chapter??? Not really good heheh..
I tried. I hope your gonna like the whole book! :)

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