Chapter 4

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  Amberpaw woke up with a start. "Amberpaw, training begins soon." Amberpaw blinked open her eyes and gazed around the apprentice den. Then she saw snaketuft, her menter. "Get ready, were going to explore the forest." Amberpaw jumped onto her paws and gave herself a quick groom. Then she ran over to Snaketuft.
It's been a couple days since Amberpaw had became a apprentice. After she came back from sharpening her hunting skills, she would always go to Fernkit. Now Amberpaw was eating a bunny outside the apprentice den thoughtfully. Snaketuft promised her that today she would start learning how to fight. Which Amberpaw thought would be useful, since she has been thinking about something for a few days. Amberpaw has always been curious who her father was, where her mother has gone, and if she had any siblings. So Amberpaw wanted to leave the clan and find out, but first she needed to learn some fighting skills. She also didn't think that anyone would care except maybe Fernkit and IvyStream. Fernkit would be made a apprentice in about two moons. Amberpaw wanted to ask Fernkit to come with her on her journey, since she needed company and didn't want to get lonely. She didn't want to ask IvyStream, since she was a full grown cat a cared so much about the clan. And perhaps after Fernkit became a apprentice and learned how to hunt they can begin there journey. Amberpaw could always teach Fernkit a few fighting moves when she learns. Amberpaw sat up and finished her bunny, then began licking her paw.
"Amberpaw, time for training!" Snaketuft yowled from the other side of the clearing. Amberpaw prickled her ears and ran over to Snaketuft. "Today were going to learn some basics." Snaketuft explained to Amberpaw "they should be easy. When they reached the sandy hollow (hello it's me NattyLovesWarriors and I wanna say I couldn't think of anything else being the training center place thing, so please don't hate me for copying warrior cats a little bit bye bye now :D)Snaketuft stood in the middle of the sandy hollow. "So first we will learn a very basic skill." He meowed to Amberpaw. "It's called Front paw blow,very simple I will demastrate." Snaketuft stood up and looked around, prickling his ears. Amberpaw wondered what he was looking for intill she saw a pale gray shape come out of the woods. Amberpaw unsheathed her claws just in case he was a intruder, then she relaxed when she realized it Wettwig. She licked her paw in emmarasbent. "Wettwig will be helping us." Snaketuft meowed. Before Amberpaw could say anything, they starting doing the fighting move. Wettwig crouched down, like he was about to pounce, Snaketuft also crouched down. Then Snaketuft slammed his front paw hard on Wettwig, claws sheathed.Wettwig hissed, but didn't attack Snaketuft back. "Amberpaw, you try it on me now." Snaketuft turned to look at Amberpaw. She nodded and walked over to him and crouched down. Then she quickly slammed her paw on his head, claws sheathed. Snaketuft narrowed his eyes. "That was good, but next time do it harder. Keep practicing it."

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