Chapter 2!

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Three moons after that whole drama thing...

Amberkit signed as snaketuft padded up to her.
"Hey Amberkit,You should be starting to eat fresh kill." He meowed to her,kicking a mouse to her.
Amberkit prickled her ears and bend down to try out the mouse. When she first took a bite,she screw up her face.
She forced herself to chomp down the rest of the mouse.Then she sat up and started to groom herself,Unaware that snaketuft watched her the whole time.
"I have to go tell Shardstar that you started to eat fresh kill,so your mother can leave now!" He meowed happily.
Amberkit froze. No what have I done! How am I gonnna take care of myself?
Snaketuft padded away towards a big hole in the dirt which led to Shardstars den. Out of a corner of her eye, Amberkit saw IvyStream walk up to her, sympathy in her gorgeous pale eyes. "Amberkit, don't worry I can take care of you when your mother leaves." She purred.
"What am I going to do without her!?" Wailed Amberkit. IvyStream pressed herself against Amberkit to comfort her.
Amberkit watched as Thornkit and Fernkit wrestled a couple tail lengths from her. Thornkit was a gray tabby Tom with amber eyes and Fernkit was gray with amber eyes.They were kitted two moons after Amber kit was kitted. She was about to walk to them when a yowl came from the Bay Rock. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey come and gather beneath the Bay Rock for a clan meeting," Amberkit hesitated, she didn't know how to catch prey yet so she stayed where she was, in the corner of the entrance of the nursery. "Everybody remembers how Sandfox has Brocken the warrior code by leaving the clan and having kits who's father is a Kittypet?" Shardstar asked the whole clan. "We made a promise that when her kit starts eating freshkill, she must leave, didn't we?
Yowls of agreement came from the clan. Amberkit gazed around the clearing quickly, trying to spot her mother, but she did't find her. "Snaketuft reported to me that Amberkit has started to eat freshkill! That means Sandfox shall leave Bay clan for good!" Shardstar countinued."Sandfox, come out of the den!"
Amberkit saw the pale shape of her mother slip out of Shardstars den. "Am truly sorry for breaking the warrior code,I will leave as long as I know my kit will be well taken care of." Rasped Sandfox. Shardstar narrowed his eyes. "Don't worry, she's in good paws. Now Sandfox, you are exiled from Bay clan!" Amber kit watched her mother glance at her one more time. Her eyes were filled with love and grief for Amberkit. "Mommy no!" Amberkit wailed to her. But Sandfox had already turned around and padded out of the camp. Amberkit wailed with grief and ran inside of the nursery.
When Amberkit ran into the nursery, IvyStream was their with her two kits in the nest. "Amberkit, it's getting late come inside my nest and sleep." IvyStream told Amberkit briskly. Amberkit padded up to her and curled into a ball next to IvyStream.

Sadly Amberkit's mom is gonna get killed by a fox soon :(
But what did y'all think of this very very VERY SAD CHAPTER
I hope everyone is having a great day :D

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